graphics : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

Does anyone have clear pictures of decals from SR RR.I want to make a clock and use one for background or other things.Thanks Wayne... Southern hired 12-26-72 and still working and will always be Southern

-- frecrick wayne eason (, February 12, 2001


Unless you've just got to build a clock yourself, I'd suggest you check out the Web site given below:

They have three differently decorated wall clocks for the Southern Rwy. with the SR logo on the dial and a motive power picture under the dial. Don't remember the price, but let's say under $25. On the home page click on the clock above where it says "O to Z". These people also sell mouse pads with railroad logos. I have no connection with the company and supply this information only as help to another railfan.

-- Tom Underwood (, February 13, 2001.

I just want the decals and such for cards and things like that..thanks..Wayne

-- frecrick wayne eason (, February 13, 2001.

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