Recipe for Goat : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I would like to know how to make goat cheese. Any suggestions would be super.
-- Carle Hall (, February 13, 2001
Carle, I would recommend that you go to the public library and take out some books on the subject. It is complicated yet simple at the same time. To give a whole course on cheese making here would be very lengthy and time comsuming, to say nothing of the various possible ways to do it. I thing "Cheese Making Made Easy" is a good book to read, but Mary Jane Toth's book "Goats produce Too" is my favorite. You could also check the archives here, might be some stuff plus I believe there are some cheese making links there. I haven't looked.
-- diane (, February 13, 2001.
Hi Carle,Making goat cheese is not too complicated. i make a lot of soft chevere or cram cheese. I am at work so i can't give you the recipie off the top of my head. I start with 5 qts of goat milk. Make sure when you milk the goat you strain it immedialtely afterwards and then either pasturize or chill, depending on your preference. Then pour the milk into a big pan, I use my enamel canner for this. Heat til its 88 degrees F, add 1/2 cup cultured buttermilk (yes, you can use the stuff at the store) and stir, then add I think its 1 Tblsp (will have to look up when I get home) of rennet solution (I'll get that for you too) and then stir and cover and let set 12 hrs. Then you will have a yougurt looking like substance. Drain into cheesecloth lined colander and then tie ball of cheese up in cloth and hang to drain for 6-8 hrs. Then you're done. Add seasonings, etc. Its not that difficult.
What specific cheese recipies are you interested in making? also, there are several good cheesemaking gorups and list online. Just go to and find the cheesemaking groups. you will learn a lot. Hope this helps. I'll get back to you later.
-- bernice (, February 13, 2001.