tell laura i lo-ove her : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

today is our 20th wedding anniversary ,just wanted to tell the world. ilove you shatzee foofy

-- fred in wi (, February 14, 2001


Congratulations to you and shatzee foofy.

-- Cindy (SE In) (, February 14, 2001.

Sweet fred- got to love it. God Bless and best wishes for at least 50 more!!!

-- diane (, February 14, 2001.

it didn't come out quite the way i typed it. she's shatzee i'm foofy (my little brother called me that, cuz he couldn't pronounce fred 38 years ago,my ma has called me that ever since, shatzee picked up on the habit 21 years ago).oops here she comes gotta go

-- fred in wi (, February 14, 2001.

Well in that case, congratulations to shatzee and foofy and many more years. Blessings.

-- Cindy (SE In) (, February 14, 2001.

How sweet Fred and how appropriate....Valentine's Day!! Congratulations to you and your wife. My hubby and I celebrated our 20th in November of last year. Quite an accomplishment I feel. Best to you and Shatzee!!

-- Greenthumbelina (, February 19, 2001.

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