Thoughts about the future : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

OUTERSPACE: A place to live and to work.

Where are we headed? Will the population continue to grow until our resources are used up? Will we poison our water and annihilate ourselves? I don’t know.

But here is some of what I believe.

I believe that Space should be explored. I met with a teacher that was visiting NC from NYC. She told me that 75% of the inner city kids have no hopes or incentives to keep them away from the gangs and drug scene. WE talked well over 4 hours. She agreed that if given the choice of mining an asteroid or selling dope over 50% of her kids would Go for the mining job. If space jobs were offered and say a restriction was you couldn’t have any criminal record or any case of drug abuse. That’s an incentive to stay clean. Add in must have a High School diploma and Now they have a reason to go to school.

Space exploration has been put on the back burner because so many people can’t see the simplicity of it. One of my wife’s friends, Mother, really has a hard time accepting were on a dirt ball in space. I think that when the population at large becomes aware of the benefits of Space exploration (I hope) they will demand of the politicians that we Go Forward. The ISS is a start but it has been a long time coming.

Most advances in modern medicine have been because of the experiments done in space. (Glasco Pharmaceuticals, etc.)

I believe homesteaders would contribute much more than anyone thinks. I can see (JAY) homesteaders, terraforming Mars and shipping back grains and fruits to Earth. In one of NASA’s papers they discussed an asteroid that had a high content of gold. The “money-freaks” said we can’t get it, it would upset the monetary system. How could that happen? Were no longer on the Gold Standard.

85% of the current satellites need course corrections. One recent astronaut said that with a small fleet of shuttles all could be corrected in a year’s time. AT&T voiced they would pay $10,000 per satellite for this service. I see all kinds of jobs and opportunities.

We are a part of the Future and I believe it’s our responsibility to educate our children to the possibilities instead of the limitations. I hope my daughter can visit the moon and mars like I visit SC and GA.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (, February 15, 2001


Ken, don't wait for your kids to go; go yourself. Now.

-- fighter (ace@fighter.pilot), February 15, 2001.

Ken, on our news this evening is going to be information on the Moon landing being a hoax, and the video information coming from some ex- NASA folks that prove it. Not that I necessarily believe this to be true, but can you imagine the ramifications of this if it is true? Especially coming from Houston? Actually when we did see the original tape of the moon landing, weren't you just a little bit impressed with the quality of the tape? Especially now when we see the tape of the mars machine, crawling around on mars! Just thinking. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, February 15, 2001.

Thanks but no thanks. Seems to me that life on this here planet suits me just fine.I look around and I'm just amazed at the beauty around me and am grateful for what I have. Awareness of what is beats what might or might not be any day in my book. In this or any other lifetime.

-- jz (, February 16, 2001.

Let's hope the oil lasts forever and mankind can continue exploring exponentially energy intensive options. Maybe I'll move back to the city too.

-- David C (, February 16, 2001.

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