Annie/SE,Ohio- more info on "dog itchy skin" : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi, I just ran across this forum while investigating aids for itchy dog skin. Annie, I was very interested in your "conncoction (??) and was wondering if nutritional yeast is brewers yeast ..... I would like to try this on 2 of my dogs that seem to have an ongoing problem with itchiness. I am thrilled that I found this forum!!! Have spent a little time reading and am amazed at the knowledge and great ideas that all of you bring to this place. I had just recently subscribed to Countryside and had no idea that all of you were "out here" too. Will post more soon to let all of you know who I am and see if I can "add to" all of this -=--- plus, am anxious to "pick your brains too. A truly neat place.

-- Sue Slesak (, February 16, 2001


Welcome aboard, Sue. I'm wondering if a homeopathic remedy called Rhus Tox (30X) would help with this also. It's cheap, in your local herb or natural food store, costs around $6, and I'd use maybe 2 of the little pills on a dog. They dissolve quickly & are in a sugar base, dogs love them. If it doesn't work for the dog, it's good to have around for rashes & itches & such. I'll have to look for that itchy dog thread & put that there, too. Brewer's yeast sure can't hurt either! Ay-dios from nm. debra

-- debra in nm (, February 16, 2001.

Hi Sue, no, brewer's yeast is not the same as nutritional yeast, there is a big difference. Brewer's yeast is a by-product of the beer industry and nutritional yeast is produced solely as a food item, has all the nutritional benefits and trace minerals needed for proper animal and human supplementation.

Be sure to use the oil in addition to the garlic, kelp, and nutritional yeast, it is the source of much required fatty acids that are lacking in standard animal and human diets, and are another cause of the skin problems themselves.

Good luck with the concoction, it has not failed to improve an animals or humans condition yet!!!

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, February 17, 2001.

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