Rerun on shelled corn burning stoves. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

While web surfing and looking for biomass stoves I came across a very informative site for the burning of corn.

The url is: Here is the site that lead to that link: The latter site also has links showing if states have incentives for alternative energy installation and use. Also if grants are available. I thought some of you might find the information interesting and/or useful.

-- Notforprint (, February 17, 2001


Thank you for the additional sites. I really, really like what I read about corn burning stoves, but I live in a relatively temperate climate and cannot justify the purchase cost versus number of years heating savings payback time. Am on the lookout for a used one though. I'll also note I pay less than $.07 per kwh since the area is serviced by TVA. If I heated with natural gas, fuel oil, kerosene, propane, purchased firewood, etc. the situation may be different. Use to be in this area electric heat was one of the most expensive method, now it is one of the cheapest method.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, February 18, 2001.

Given the shortage of fertilizer that is just looming over the horizon. Because of high nat.gas prices, burning corn will soon to be no longer be a great fuel. Enjoy it while you can.

-- (, February 18, 2001.

We installed a cornstove last February and the previous post concerns me. Can the poster please steer me to media where I can read up on this? Thanks!

-- Lisa in WI (, February 22, 2001.

they problem i am having with corn stove if it breaks down there is no one to work on it being a widow makes it worse dove did not send scematics with this stove it did wonderful for 9 yrs this year the auger would not kick in on automatic so i had to pay the gas bills 2 of which were over 300.oo on ss of 669 that is rough to pay if i could get the darn thing to run my corn bill for the year befor was 300.oo for the year reg heating people have no concept how this darn thing works so if u are alone think about it

-- wilma brigance (, May 07, 2001.

even if you did not futilize corn, its like grass (same family of plants),it would still grow. therefore when all the farmland is gone, and you own a little land, you can still heat your house. nothing is selfrelient, without electricity a gas furnace wouldn't work either. with corn as a fuel,your not depending on as much fossil fuel which happens to be something nobody can grow! i am waiting for a car that can run on corn :-)

-- clint (, December 31, 2001.

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