Is there anyone else who processes color at home? : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Alternative Process : One Thread


I've been looking for people who process color at home - I've been having a heck of a time. I do a lot of color processing and printing. I process a TON of cross-process and print from color and cross negs. I'm desperately searching for someone to share tips, ideas etc. I do all types of crazy things with my film in the dark room, so this seemed like an appropriate place to post.

Thanks! Liza

-- liza docket (, February 19, 2001


Just an observation - this forum likely attracts mainly black and white fans so you're maybe not reaching the audience that you would like to. I tried the color thing years ago and out of frustration decided to leave it to the labs and concentrate on black and white at home. Harv Jenkins

-- Harv Jenkins (, February 24, 2001.

I am very interested in trying my hand at some color printing at home but I can find little encouragement anywhere. How do the RA4-AT chemicals work? Would you recomend them? Where might I find used color stuff? Do I need a special lamp? Eagerly awaiting your response.

-- mike wetzel (, May 19, 2002.

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