Sybase to Oracle : LUSENET : DBAzine : One Thread

Hi,I want to know if there's a list of Sybase clients. If so, where can I get it? I would also like to know if any company is offering migration solutions from Sybase to Oracle.

-- Hindol Das (, February 19, 2001


I believe Sybase has a product which does this- Sybase DirectConnect for Oracle

I'll ask some friends if they know of others...

-- Christian Sarkar (, February 19, 2001.

As Christian mentions, the Sybase DirectConnect for Oracle product may be helpful to you for migrating data, but if you are seeking to convert your Sybase databases to Oracle it will not do that. Unfortuantely, there is no product that I know of that can automatically convert a Sybase database schema into an equivalent Oracle schema. There are a lot of issues and complexities that would be entailed in that process: easier issues such as data type conversions and structuural concersions and much more difficult issues such as converting SQL, application code, and Transact-SQL to PL/SQL (in programs, triggers, UDFs, stored procedures, etc.)

If you are intent on converting I would suggest hiring a consultant who has performed these type of conversion before. Take a look at Oracle's web site for Oracle partners.

Regarding a list of Sybase clients - good luck. Vendors are very protective of their client lists for very good reasons (preserving the customer base and keeping the list away from competitors). You might try the Sybase users group at - they might have some type of members list, all of whom should own Sybase (it won't be a complete client list, though).

Good luck!

-- Craig S. Mullins (, February 23, 2001.

Hi, there is an Oracle Migration Workbench for Windows NT and Windows 95/98/2000 (available also for Sybase Adaptive Server 11). As far as I know you can downoad it from the Oracle Technet. You can access the Oracle Technet via, but you'll have to register for the technet to be able to surf around and download things. The registration is for free.

The correct location for more information about this migration workbench is available at lnotes.htm

Hope this is of some help for you.

-- Elizabeth Frank (, November 06, 2001.

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