Wednesday, February 21, 2001 : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

Where MATH? Good morning, MATH!

An Bei rove you all time.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001


Good morning, MATH. I am so tired. I made jambalaya last night. From scratch. It's really good, but I'm EXHAUSTED.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

AB, I think you should name the dog Banana. It's a golden retreiver, and those are more or less yellow, and it sounds like Anna. I don't even like Banana, but I like the name.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I here! It not even noon, and I here!

Hannah? Why sad?

[Man, I'd better stop talking like this before the chat starts.]

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Banana. Hmmm. I think it may remind me too much of childhood taunting: Anna Banana. Not that I hated it, but I sort of did.

Master V has already suggested: Hannah, Manna, Vanna, Danna. Nah, is what I'm thinking. Even though Hannah is kind of cute.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Bermanator here before noon! Bermanator slip up and talk Chinese in chat, and MATH think funny!

Hee. I don't wish that you would do that, but it would be a real hoot. Um, did I just say hoot? I think I did.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Q: Mike, will Ohio State make the NCAA Tournament?

MIKE BERMAN: Buckeyes good! Buckeyes play great basketball now. Have great chance at making NCAA Tournament! You no think so, you clazy!

Yeah, I'd be so fired.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

You could launch into a tirade about how new generations no honor ancestors. That why Indiana coach get sooo angly! He get no respect from young generation! You be angly too, you get no honor!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I could not find Hannah's sad entry. That's why it's sad. It's not there.

Okay, y'all, lets all hope that Cynthia gets offered a job from Southern Energy today, and let's really hope that they want to offer me one, too.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Hoping commenced.

And I will have an entry, as soon as I finish my column.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001


-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001


That's all we get is a "Peeps"?

Where's the love.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

The love is eternal, yo! Nothing but love for the MATHertons!

I feel so behind on my MATH homework.

Napoleon is out this morning, y'all. Aw, yeah.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Okay. Firstly, I hate, hate, HATE Meg. More than ever. I couldn't even make it through half of her last entry before I was apoplectic with rage.

Second, Cynthia got the job. It is a SWEET-ASS job. She will be hiring a junior person. She said that it will be me. I would be making BANK. I would be with a huge, secure, multi-national company that is making money. I would be the hell out of here.

Y'all, I MUST get that job. I MUST escape this place. I must be an energy diva.

I wonder who the patron saint of employment is.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

In this case, it appears to be Saint Cynthia. That rocks!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I don't know, T, but St. Jude always works for me.

**Prayers** and **hugs** for T and her job! Woo!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I just must get over there. The editor of the Augusta Chronicle is putting in many good words for me, and I know that Craig (the man who just hired Cynthia) likes me.

Nothing is for sure, yet - Cynthia will probably start within the next two weeks. I go to Spain next week, and I want to get my resume together this week. It will have a lot to say about the pretty substantial body of knowledge I have accumulated on energy issues, both from working closely with energy clients, and from being immersed in energy issues from birth.

Oh, I want to go over there, I do I do I do.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Oh, yes, St. Jude is a good one.

Saints are why I love being Catholic. As my mother explained, "God is a busy man, and if you can get in good with oen of his friends, more power to you."

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

God is a busy man, and if you can get in good with oen of his friends, more power to you.

I know that's right.

Arrison--why you slow on MATH homework? Evelything okay in Lowe House?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I know I shoudln't tell y'all this, because you'll abandon me, but guess who my chatting competition is this week?

I chat at 3. The guy who played Greg Brady chats at 3:30.

Must. Beat. TVLand. Staple.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Everything fine. I just feel sluggish.

Mayn, I love the saints. I have a million books on them. I have always been fascinated with the saints, probably because I'm not Catholic.

I think the patron saint of work is... I'll look it up...

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I couldn't find the patron saint for employment at

I'm trying to read more about the saints. I know about my patron saint (St. Therese de Lisieux - she's the Little Flower, and my mother always told me that I was her little flower. How does it go? Oh yeah. My grandmother ahd several miscarriages, and she prayed to St. Theresa for children. She promised that if she had a daughter, she would name the baby for her. A year later, my aunt Anita Theresa was born. And that's who I was named for.), but I want to know about more. Because I should. Or something.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

No entry bc I couldn't log on.

Somehow I got way below my checkbook balance and I'm in big trouble. I didn't use my check card all week because I was waiting for these checks to clear. They have NOT cleared, and yet, still, I'm below my balance. Not good.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Do you have any automatic withdrawals (automatic bill payments, etc.) that would have contributed to the below balance? That happens to me sometimes - I'll forget that my student loan, my credit card, and my gym are all being taken from my account on the same day.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Do you get paid this Friday?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

It's St. Cajetan. "In a message previous to celebrations, a priest from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe said that the feast of St. Cajetan was an opportunity for faithful to reflect about their life of faith and the meaning of work, as a dignified expression of the person."

Now T, St. Cajetan wouldn't want you to feel undignified. Give him a call.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

And oh, does my current job suck the dignity right out from under me.

I wonder if there's a novena.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I wonder if there's a patron saint of Internet Lovahs.

T, my grandmother is the Novena queen. She's currently saying one for Chao Family Adoption of Mad Madeleine Proceedings.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I just received an email from Jo Ann Lowe.

I am the coolest person, evah. I can't wait to write her back.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

My grandmother is all into novenas, too. My uncle swears by the Novena Never Known to Fail - he knows that is what made his cancer disappear.

I hope that everything goes smoothly for the adoption.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Mayn! I'm so jealous. How have I never gotten an e-mail from Jo Ann Lowe?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Nevermind. False alarm. I'm overdrawn my account, not my reserve. Whew.

I get paid every Friday. It's a blessing and a curse.

T - did Boo write back?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

And what happened that made you hate Meg more?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Heh. What did Jo Lowe say, T? She is a clazy Internet Lady lately.

She's going to start writing a column for The Birminghamster ( called Redneck Recipes of Renown, or something like that.

Mike - don't be jealous. She's bound to write you one, one of these days.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Read Meg's latest update. She represents the most pure form of evil, ever.

Oh, I want this job. I want to work for Mirant, formerly known as Southern Energy. My professional life would be so, so much better. I would be happy. I would work with the guys on the energy trading floor. I would represent the companies at the National Governor's Association meetings, I would work with their regional lobbyists, educations them about our issues.

I really, really want this job.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Would you be lobbying?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Dear Meg,

I am happy to see you received my book for Christmas, or your birthday. You are correct on most of your dining-out etiquette. However, you clearly failed to read the chapter on behaving like a spoiled, idiotic child, doling out commands.

Leave the adult situations to the adults, kid. You're a dumbass.

Politely, Ms. Emily Post

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Nope - I'd be educating the lobbyists - telling them what we want. With the associations, I'd be sort of lobbying our issues to them, but that's not technically lobbying. You don't have to register, there are no legalities.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Well, maybe I can help Meg out.

At the last book giveaway thing downstairs, I picked up "Do Not Talk to, Touch, Marry, or Otherwise Fiddle with Frogs : How to find Prince Charming by Finding Yourself." Much like the ferret book, it was just too good to pass up.

Should I send it to her? That would probably be good for about a month's worth of made-up entries.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Judith Martin would be appalled at Meg's complete lack of both tact and common sense.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Dear Meg,

Thanks for ganking my entry about manners. I did it a whole lot better, though, so you might want to practice your plagiarizing.

Yours, Sara Astruc

Y'all, I read one of Sara's entries JUST LIKE THIS not a week ago. I kept reading Meg's and going, "I KNOW I've seen this before!" Jesus.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Also, what the fuck does this mean?

If you are eating with a fork, put the food into your mouth with the tines down.

Hate. Hate in my heart for the plagiarist fool that she is.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Wow. It is Sara's exact same entry, rewritten to suck.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Yeah, it is. I just went and reread it. I'd like to itemize every lifted sentence, and post it on some big public place so everyone can know the craziness that is Meg.

Look here:

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

If she posts something about manners at fast-food places next, I'll die.

I'm actually on Sara's notify list ... I should drop her a line and show her the URL.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

You seriously should, Mike. I just read Sara's. I would be SO pissed off.

Meg is such a little cheater. I guess she figures no one is reading her journal?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

She's going down. That infuriates me. Mimicky McMeg, boo!

The funny thing is, Sara won an award for that entry. Maybe Meg thinks if she ganks it, she'll win one too.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001


-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Oh my God. While I was writing Meg a DSAS, Allison was starting a whole effing topic on it!

Damn, girl. Yes!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I sent her a note. If she responds, I'll let you know.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Oh, yes! Y'all make me so happy.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

AB - Can you print out meg's entry, just in case she removes it?

I can't print that shite at work.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Damn, I had to edit that post three times for things I spelled incorrectly and words I left out.

Did y'all ever see that Simpsons where Lisa feels like she's getting more and more stupid because of her bad genes? That's what I feel like this week! I can't spell and I can't write anything worth reading. Waaah.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Clearly, this is not for public viewing, outside of this list. Consider it off-the-record.


"Dear Mike,

Thanks so much for sending this to me. I wrote her a little note asking her to take it down. I just recently linked to that piece from 3WA so I'm guessing she picked it up there. You would not believe how often this happens to me. It's usually 16-year-old girls and their friends rat them out."

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Yep. Printing, printing.

Y'all go post on Al's topic! Work out that anger.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

You know, I don't want to get rid of Meg entirely, as she is rather entertaining, but damn, that feels good.

I cant' wait to see if she posts.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Whoa...she already took it down.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Are you serious? Too bad I got it in my hot little hand, ain't it?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Mayn, the forum is sloooooow today. Nobody's posting. Pamie hasn't given anyone much to talk about, lately.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

We could give 'em something to talk about!

I can't believe she already took it down! Good call on MATH getting evidence!

I wonder if 3wa will have a topic on it. Hmm.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I printed it out as well.

Tiniest of tiny shoutouts in my hoops column, since I talk about RPI and that involves math.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Nice try, Berman. That ain't a shout out.

I'm going to run and get lunch now so I will at least be back in time to watch the chat.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

And it's no shock that she wasted no time taking it down. I'm sure she needs a new change of underwear.

For someone who craves acceptance and adulation in the journalling world, perhaps ripping off one of the 3WA founders' award-winning entry isn't the way to go.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I'd like her to comment on it. Or something. Must know.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Why do I still have this burning desire to know what happened to Ruder?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Because you're nosy, yo.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I don't even care about rudergirl anymore. Down with Meg!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001


Someone asked what Fuzz was and BigMatt answered with this:

"(quote by Leigha) The Fuzz, Inc. is mainly made up of people, like myself, Kat, rudergirl, and blurboy, who chat a whole bunch on AIM. We created our own company, and we have a lot of inside jokes. Just wanted to keep the inside jokes to a minimum from the other threads, because we got yelled at about it at one point.

(quote by rudergirl) Well, the fuzzy threads aren't so much supposed to be padding threads, but we're not so rude as to tell people they CAN'T pad in here, so it's all good. We actually started these fuzzy things in here so we wouldn't tie up the "Dear So-and-So" thread with fuzzy stuff..."

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

"We created our own company"

Yeah, it's killer how the NASDAQ problems have killed the Fuzz's second round of financing.

I must have missed that press release where they incorporated.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Tell me not to email Meg.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I can't do that.

Email Meg.

Oh, MATHletes, way to represent.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I chickened out. It's just too mean. I was going to email from Ratsy's address, but I was afraid taht pointed too much to Allison since she started the thread.

But this is what I was gonna say: "Copyright © 2000-2001 Human Wonderful. All Rights Reserved. Steal something and I will let my ferrets eat you."

Does that mean Sir Phoenix has to eat you now?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

That's why MATH is so dangerous. We don't spend our energy with false bravado on the forum. We just stay alert, and pounce with deadly force when the opportunity arises. Like the ninjas.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I just posted in Allison's thread. I feel so alive with Meg ire. She is just retarded. And I have no doubt that she'll come up with a retarded, Meg-typical, formulaic response.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Oh yes. Meg and formulaic are synonyms.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

E-mail her. And blind copy us.

Or hell, I'll drink a glass of wine tonight, then *I* will e-mail her. She so needs to be shut down. Because she LIES.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

And Allison, you should e-mail pamie and let her know. 'Cause she's the silent p and all.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

AB'll get sauced on Hogue and knock Ferretina off.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

And AB, I'm really slow, but did you get a Golden??

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I damn well will.

No, H, not yet, but we've got one "reserved" for when she's finished with heartworm stuff. I wrote about it in my new, very long entry, and Stefan just couldn't contain himself.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

What's the link to mike's chat?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

T, I think I accidentally sent you an e-mail to your Hotmail account. Do you ever check that one or should I remove it from my contact list?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Oh, so Chao family close to getting doggie! Goodie!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

No, AB, I check it. In fact, I just replied.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Yes! We so excited! Would you be upset if we called her Hannah? I think that's Vince's vote.

Here's Mike's chat link:

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Oh, mayn, Mike answered a Bobby Knight question without a tirade on the lack of honor for your elders! Mike clazy!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

AB - I thought up another name for the dawg. Naming her Hannah is too close to Anna! Name her Louise! It's like Louisiana and the name of my favorite sad as hell Bonnie Raitt song that you could very easily learn on your guitar and sing to your dog!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

But don't you think my Aunt Weasie (say: Ain't Wee-see) would be upset?

I read somewhere that dogs respond better to names ending in the /ee/ sound. Molly, Holly, etc. I was thinking Annie, but that's too close, too. Damn the dog names!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Yes, the Wake Forest message boards are a sad place to be.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

We used to have a basset hound named Molly. Now we have a freaky dog named Breaux. Unfortunately, most people think that we call him "Bro."

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

"Um, no." Hee!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I can't stop thinking about the Meg thing. I am a sad, sad person. I wonder what Sara will say.

I looked for a thread about it at 3WA, but I didn't see one. Hmmm.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Ha! From a 3WA thread called "Faking It", posted by none other than Meg:

I've had two people tell me that I was no more than a huge "online journaling fake," as the one person claimed. He said that no one person could have as much going on in their lives as I did at the time and that I should learn how to lie better. To be honest, it never bothered me. How could I take that person seriousy when I get e-mail from readers almost every single day telling me how much they love a quote I've put in the journal or a picture of my cat? I think a lot of times people are just jealous of someone's writing style or online website with writing so they choose to pick on it. But that's fine. I've learned to accept some of the negative comments about my journal and it has become a lot more fun for me since.


-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

AB, you not sad! It grolious day when MATH supleme!

I doubt Sara will mention it on her site, but maybe Mikey-poo could write her and ask if Meg responded, and if so, what did she say?

The Rockets so do not have asteriks after their titles. What a jag.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Alanis, would you mind taking this anvil and dropping it on Meg's ferretty head, please? Thanks a million.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

The "Meg" on 3wa isn't our Meg. That girl is from Canada. I think. But it sure sounds like her.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Oh, Oh, I saw that. That jag deserved the response he got from Mike, completely.

Meg must go down. When did she post that? Clearly, she knows that she is guilty of plagairism. I mean, why else would she take her entry down? I just read Sara Astruc's entry - Meg ripped her off so blatantly, it's crazy. And like hell she gets emails from readers. Whatever.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Oh yeah - our Meg posts as "MeghanM" on 3WA.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

It is Meg, H. She posts under MeghanM there.

Here's the thread:

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

AB - your favorite TV star has just been mentioned in the forum:

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Miss Cleo! I must go represent.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

"Alanis, would you mind taking this anvil and dropping it on Meg's ferretty head, please? "

I'm stealing that.

I'm gonna go check out 3wa, and I just might respond. I'm Hannah there too. Duh. Y'all know that.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Mayn. Why does she enrage me so much? Since when does she even HAVE a cat? And when has she posted photos of it?

Yeah. I'm sure she gets email daily. Whutevah.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Whew. That's done.

I could e-mail Sara back, but I doubt she'll give up the info on what Meg said.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Taking the entry down is admission of guilt enough for me.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Sara responded in Allison's thread.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

OH MY GOOOOOOOD! Sara posted in my imitation thread.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Jinx, M. You owe me a coke.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Oh my GOD! That's CLAZY. And she said 2 people wrote her about it, too! I wonder who the other person was.

Go Sara.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I don't know. But I'm one of 'em.

Hah! Meg's being awfully quiet.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Hee hee hee. I wonder who told Sara about the thread, bc I don't think she reads Pam regularly enough to conviently read it today and post, you know?

Right. Like Meg could even defend that. Whatever.

AB - did you search for all her 3wa posts?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I just posted a sort of call-out for Meg's ganking of Panie's mailto style.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

You know. I like Fred more all the time. If only he wasn't a padder at heart. And so NICE, he could be an integer.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

And so did Sara.

Hee! It just gets better.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

People, we'll never see Meg, again.

Mayn, Sara is the bomb and she doesn't even know it.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

But Meg is MATHtainment!

And clearly, AB inspired my site.

Oh, maybe Sara Astruc will send over other 3wa people. Hee hee hee.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

We'll see Meg again. In fact, I'll bet someone a drink at JazzFest that her next entry is about how she was "falsely accused of plagerism" and the journalling community has "done her wrong."

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

So, in reference to Sara Astruc's latest post, do we 'fess up?

I may just email her.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I was about to.

Maybe Mike should, since he's on her notify list? Just make sure whoever does CCs the rest!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I already did, in the thread, sort of.

Sara Astruc is my new favorite best friend.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

'fess up about what?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I posted, too. Of, Sara Astruc could so be an integer.

And Fred. What a good guy. Why does he pad?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Ah, I see. Of course now it looks like I started that thread to call Meg out... which is not good, because we seriously will never see her again, now.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Dude, Sara would NEVAH be an integer. She is WAY too cosmopolitan for mere MATHletes.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Well, we'll always have Meg's journal.

We could be extra snarky and post a question about plagairism in her forum...

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

No it doesn't, Allison. You started it, and we ran with it. If anyone's calling her out, it's the MATHletes who aren't moderators. Don't you worry about a thing.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Sara actually said she had seen my journal and asked for the URL. After picking my jaw up off the floor, I was all like "It'll be much better in a couple of days when it's at"!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

And rest assured, Allison, that if anyone has the audacity to call you out, we have the text of Meg's entry. All we have to do is post some of that along with the original words that Sara Astruc wrote.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

And really, we're talking about some important points NOT related to Meg.

And Arrison, I think Sara would only be so RUCKY to be an integah!

Yay Mike!!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

The fuzz is totally silent. I'm sure Meg is crying to them all over IM.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

You better get crackin', Berman. We all waiting for you!

And that's such a total compliment about my layout, too. Even though I'm sure I ganked it from someone some way, looking at all the pretty journals.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Leigha's been silent for days.

I dont' even think the fuzz likes Meg.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Wow. How great is this?

"Aha! I remember reading your bio and thinking "Hmm.. Jewish, a journalist AND he owns a tuxedo! Too bad he's not five years older!""

Damn. I'm just going to have to start pimping my journal a lot more on all sites read exclusively by women.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Man, I haven't posted but like, 3 real entries and I am OBSESSED with site meter. I check my stats every five minutes or something. I'm getting hit left and right, though. I've gotten several from and several from

Go fred!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

From what I know about Sara... you'd have to be at least 15 years older to handle her.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Allison, I check sitemeter at least nine times a day. Most of my referrals come from, too.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Al, I represented your self-deprecatingness on 3WA. You good! You good as any other of those damn journal people!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I definitely think Math is the cream of the crop as far as journals go.

We rule.

I guess I'll get sitemeter, as I cant' understand's stats for shit. Al - do you just have it on your index page?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I do just have it on my index, because I don't know how else to do it. Does anyone know how to track the sub-pages?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

If I can't get this FTP to work soon, I will cry. For real.

I might come in tomorrow night after Survivor, but the problem is someone will be sitting at my desk. So who knows. I am so, so ready to be rid of geocities, though...

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Y'all say a little **prayer** that I can log on tonight so I can update. I'm mad that I couldn't put it up yesterday as the 20th is significant. I'll just backdate it, but still. Merr.

Mike, did you figure out how to FTP?

Al - in the counters thread, someone said you have to put it on every page you want it to track, so yeah. But then, what's that entry/exit page thing about?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I don't think I could stand it if the Bermanator cried...

AB, that was like my second post EVER on 3WA. And I have gotten three hits in the last half-hour just from having HYD in my profile. The 3WA people don't play.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

You have to insert the code into each page you want tracked, Al. I just have it on my index and index2 pages. Is that what the rest of you have?

I figured putting it on all of them would be kind of repetitive, and also a lot of work.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

H, but if you put it on every page, do you get a separate report for every page? We don't want that, do we?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

No. Stupid FTP thing.

If I offer to bribe you and I come in tomorrow night, would you (or anyone) be willing to upload my front (just an entry, for now), bio, links and a dummy archives page for me, so at least there's something there? That's assuming I can't do it, of course.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Whoa. They don't play. I've gotten hits from the plagiarism thread, too.

**Prayers** for H and M, and a quick one to the Patron Saint of FTP.

Mike, what about that computer we were talking about the other night? How's that going?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I'll do it, Mike. You know I love being Head Dork.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001 kkers

Nedstat looks pretty good. Taht's the link to Meg's stats. It's breaks it down better than sitemeter I think.

Geocities just tracked every page and I got spoiled. It was cool because when someone linked to a specific entry, I could see that. Like, when I put my Vegas link in the forum, I got like 400 hits to that entry, when my average/entry is around 40.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Al - where did you post in 3WA?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I don't have FTP, Mike, or I would.

Johanna, I'm dying to see your update for the 20th. Could you email it to us?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

If I can't update, I will tomorrow.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Yeah ... e-mail that entry!

AB- thanks! I'm working on it. I just have no idea what I want in a computer besides word processing and fast internet access.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I'm out. Please, please hope I can log on. Yikers.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Bermanator! You get clazy iBook like Al, AB and H! Then, we make T get one and we all match!

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Hope! Log on! Hopey-hope-hope! Yes, H, e-mail if you can't.

Mike, you know I can help you with computer picking-out, too. Because that just elevates me in Head Dork status, which is what I strive for every day.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

All computer help, as always, is sincerely appreciated.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

H! Are you still here? What about sxsw?

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I have to go. For those of you keeping track of such Berman family gatherings, this is my grandparents' 55th (I think) anniversary, so we're doing dinner.

Hasta manana! I don't know how it can top today.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

55 years. That's fantastic. Now I feel all warm and nice. Have fun, Mike.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Well, it will top today if boo responds to the email I just sent her asking where rudergirl's been... and says that she's fired.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Goodnight, y'all.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

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