Summicron-m 90/2 APO on a Visoflex : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

hi, does anyone have experience about 90/2APO on a Visoflex?

can the M90/2apo compare with R100/2.8 in Micro distance?



-- Jeff Liao (, February 22, 2001


I have used the current 90/2.8 Elmarit on a Visoflex. The M lens designers weren't concentrating on correcting the 90's in the under-1- meter range, since that's as far as they focus on an M6, whereas the 100 APO is specifically designed as a macro lens. Nonetheless the current M lenses 50 Elmar and 90 Elmarit are particularly flat-field in the near range, and make surprisingly impressive macro lenses when pressed into Visoflex service, particularly since they are used well stopped-down generally in this area. I can't speak for the 90 APO.

-- Jay (, February 22, 2001.

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