Isolate doe when she freshens? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have 3 Pygmy goats; 1 male 2 females. Male in pen with chickens (only 4 of them). Doe and her daughter (now 9 mo old) together in a seperate pen. Doe due mid March if I calculated right. Do I have to seperate the Doe from her daughter, and if so, for how long? I will need to build another shelter if I seperate, and hoping to avoid that if possible, but do not want to jeoperdize safety of newborn kids. Doeling tends to get out of her pen all the time (professional escape artist). Thanks for any advice you can offer.

-- Fabienne Vernon (, February 24, 2001


You don't have to seperate your does. I had nubians and they actually were more relaxed with the other one around. She'll stay her distance. That's my experience anyway.

-- Pat (, February 24, 2001.

I agree with Pat.Leave the doe with the others provided you have a roomy pen.My Nubians will pick a corner of the barn,Boers seem to prefer the outside when the weather permits.None of them like to be seperated from the herd.Clean,fresh bedding goes without saying.

-- JT (, February 24, 2001.

I've even had other does help play nursemaid during multiple births, helping to clean the babies. It would depend on the temperment of the does. If they get along well now, they should be fine.

-- Connie (, February 24, 2001.

My advice is that if you want to keep them together, supervise for a day or two. If schedule does not allow, then perhaps you should separate. Seasoned does usually do fine together, but you just don't know what kind of mothering instinct the daughter has and if she will try to be dominant with the babies.

-- Skip Walton (, February 24, 2001.

As long as the 9 month old isn't still nursing her dam, or trying to, they should be fine together.

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, February 25, 2001.

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