How to unlock up the : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread |
I am beginning to get used to the 6X7 and am pleased with results - fears of vibrating photos seem unfounded at the moment. I have been using MLU whenever possible but on 2 occasions have accidentally locked up the mirror before I've been ready resulting in wasted film. Is there a way of unlocking the mirror ?Thanks
-- David Tolcher (, February 25, 2001
Both the 6x7 and 67 need a mirror down switch. I did an accidental double exposure with my Asahi while in Europe in 1999. The film spool locking handle on the bottom of the camera, under the winder, unlocked. I figured that I could use this knowledge to save a frame when the mirror is up and I don't want to take the shot. When the mirror is up, put the lens cap back on and trip the shutter. Then unlock the film spool locking handle. Wind forward to the next frame. The film won't move because it is disengaged but the camera thinks it has moved. You have to try to reengage the spool locking handle while at the end of your advance of the film advance lever. I have tried this procedure and have not had much luck although you have nothing to lose. SR
-- Steve Rasmussen (, February 25, 2001.
Some 6X7's have a multiple exposure divice custom installed on them, and on 67II's it is standard. If you have one you can cover the lens and fire the shutter, then activate the multiple exposure device so the film doesn't advance when you wind the crank. Aside from this I don't know of another answer. Someone else might. Bob
-- Bobby Mahaffey (, February 25, 2001.