Canine worms : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We just got a 2 yr old dog. I took her to the vet and he wormed her. She is now passing lots of 3/4 inch white worms. Are these hookworms? Any advice besides another worming in 2 weeks?


-- Maylene (, February 25, 2001


Okay, round worm they throw up and it looks like spagetti. Tape worm they pass through the stool and it looks like rice. I forgot what hookworm looks like but what you are seeing is more then likely the dead coming out. The two week wait is to get the eggs that hatch that are left. Don't do anything unless you see blood in the stool. (Anyone hungry? get it? spagetti or rice? Oh, never mind)

-- Dee (, February 25, 2001.

These worms are live when they come out. No vomiting them and they are not very long. Look like a long maggot. They also can be seen at the anal opening sometimes, just hanging there. Really disgusting. I have her in quarantine from the other dogs. Maylene

-- Maylene (, February 25, 2001.

My dog did that and the vet said it was round worms. He did a culture and re-affirmed that thought. They were live coming out but did not live long. My cat did the same thing...on the kids bed, so gross!!!! Poor little guy was sleeping away ..then woke up to that. That cat got put outside for a few days. Don't worry, he liked it outside anyway and the weather was warm. We sprinkled salt all over the dogs area outside anyway. Nobody told us to, it was just something we tried to make sure those worms didn't go anywhere. The dog was not reinfested as far as we knew anyway.

-- Cindy in Ok (, February 25, 2001.

If you can see them hanging around the anus, than I expect you are seeing live tapeworm segments. Someone already posted that they usually look like rice, which is correct, when they are dead and dried. Moving and alive tapes can be seen around the anus or on the outside of passed feces. The size can really vary, as they are segmented and they can pass as one single or a few stuck together. Tapes need different medication to treat them. Other than that, I would need more description. Roundworms, pass as sphagetti, in vomit or stool - they can have alot of these. Hooks and whips are really tiny. Tapes are the most likely culprit.

-- Marci (, February 25, 2001.

Oh, by the way. Tapes are not directly transmitted dog to dog... they need an intermediate host. One type is from a dog eating birds or mice ( that is where most barn cats get them) the other type is from ingesting certain types of fleas ( likely from chewing at that darn itchy spot). So, you don't need to keep this one away from your other dogs for tapeworms.

-- Marci (, February 25, 2001.

My dogs, as are all my livestock, are fed food grade Diatomacous Earth daily. The only time the dogs get tapeworm is when they catch and eat a wild rabbit. Then it's off to the vet to get some Dronsit tablets.


O.C. Collins, DVM Midland Animal Clinic and Hospital Midland, Texas

In clinical observations of feeding dogs over 35 lbs. 1 tablespoon/day, and under 35 lbs. 1 teaspoon/day of diatomaceous earth, within seven days all ova disappeared from stools. Diatomaceous Earth controlled Ascarids (Toxacara canis), Hookworms (Anclyostoma caninum), and Whipworms (Trichuris vulipis).

-- ~Rogo (, February 26, 2001.

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