I would like to find some sour dough bread starter, but where should I look?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Bread.com FAQ : One Thread |
All I had to ask is above in subject line.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2001
You can make it with 2 cups flour, 1 & 1/2 cups warm water, and a tablespoon of dry yeast. Mix these ingredients together in a clay or glass container with a wooden spoon. Cover the container and set in a warm dry area. Be sure to stir the pot 3 times a day. After 10 days begin taking a cup of starter out and replacing it with 1 cup flour and 1 cup water. Keep the container in a dry warm place at all times and be sure to stir it 3 times every day.Chris
-- Anonymous, February 26, 2001
I believe you can also get freeze dried cultures from SAFYEAST.comJS
-- Anonymous, February 27, 2001
Go to the SOAR site - sourdough bread recipes list and sift through the bread recipes to find oodles of starter recipes. I really like the Herman Starter recipe with daily directions.
-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001