Chargin Batteries and think'n back. [Christian talkin] : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

If you don't like buy'n new flashlight batteries and don't have a charger-try sett'n'm on a wood stove top. Don't gett'm too hot as it will melt the innards -just let'm warm up for a spell. Ya'll'll notice that them things will charge up themselves although not to the full charge as when new but still usuable. They can be warmed up several times but eventually they will be beyond help. We used to do that years ago. Mom would have to work around all those batteries while tryin to cook a meal on the old Home Comfort wood cookstove. I can still taste the Roasted Turkey from that old cookstove. HOme grown turk along with all the rest of the grub. We didn't buy very much back then fromt he store. Flour, SUgar, T, bakin powder along with salt and pepper were about it. My, how times have changed! Now we're shot full of chemicals to make us grow, stunt our grouth, appatite, colds and about everything else the modern public wants. WE gotta look "purty" even if it destroys the human body. Sorry I got off the battery info-jest fergiv an old man look'n back on his'n younger days. Pap sett'n around the livin room woodstove play'n his fiddle while we kids eat homemade choc fudge and drunk iced t. Well, it's most 9:30pm-guess I'll hit the hay. Everybody be good to others. Almighty God don't like His creation fuss'n and fight'n. It grieves Him. Matt.24:44

-- hoot (, February 26, 2001


before the chargers,, grandpa used to "rebuild" them. Showed me how,, still remember,, works good also.

-- Stan (, February 27, 2001.

What do ya mean " Rebuild them"? Please explain...

-- MikeinKS (, February 27, 2001.

works on carbon batteries only. Take the outer cover off, usually metal,, take the top (P) off. What you have basically is a cup,, with a carbon rod in the middle and somekind of absorbant material around it,, filling the rest of the cup. Pull the rod out,, clean it with a rag,, doesnt take much, then added a few drops of pure lemon juice to the acid material. Reassemble,, grandpa used wax to seal it back,, and never bothered to put the outer, metal cover back on. I did it for a science project years later. You'll get a full charge back,,but not for as long as new. And they can be done many times,, dont ever remember grandpa buying batteries, just rebuilt them. But all he used them for was flashlights, and a camp lantern, when he was working out in the shed.

-- Stan (, February 27, 2001.

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