Shoplifters of the world : LUSENET : I Wasn't Built to Get Up at this Time : One Thread |
Have you ever stolen anything?
-- Tim (, February 27, 2001
Well, I'd never admit to stealing anything. I've been passing my kleptomaniacal traits to my brother who, at the Weezer concert on Sunday, stole two of the posters for his big sister.Aww.
-- Krys (, February 27, 2001.
Only hearts, my dear. (HA!)No... my library is missing a few magazines. I pick up stray pens off of the floor all the time. That's about it, though.
-- Lauren (, February 27, 2001.
I've only stolen a few significan things in my life - and only when I just didn't want to pay for them...but it's nothing as heart wrenching as tim's story about the valentine's day card.Let's see, I've stolen a ring (from Mervyn's), some perfume (from, some really insignificant bikini clips to fix my bathing suit, and a shirt that was way over-priced but that i really wanted anyway (from Marshall's). me klepto...
-- Jessica (, February 27, 2001.
No, unless you count "Nevermind". My penpal Jen asked me to get it for her for Christmas, so I got it, and had a listen. I was so impressed that I couldn't let go of it. I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself. If it was any other band, I wouldn't mind so much...
-- Zed (, February 28, 2001.
yes..alot of things. nothing major though, just crap.
-- chelle (, March 01, 2001.
er...a pizza hut knife (a metal one and all...) and a plastic for sale card from Sainsburys. Im on a downward spiral...
-- sam (, March 02, 2001.
i steal stuff all the time from stores its pretty, maxx..ect. if i want it i get it for free only been caught once and got off
-- klepto (, April 18, 2001.
I'm making a documentary about kleptomania and would love to hear from anyone who wants to contribute their stories. You can post them to the research site at and/or email me directly from there!Please share your stories!
-- sam (, June 09, 2001.
Yes, I have. I did alot, then one day, two friends and I caught got shoplifting. It was the worst thing imagniable.. CONDOMS. It was soo embrassing, I found this site by researching because I have to do a 5 page essay for my P.O. The bad part is, we are all 13. Please reply -- bye bye
-- p a u l a -- (, May 28, 2003.
At a walmart in south carolina they had neglected to keep there video games and most electronics behind a glass case. A friend and i went in there daily so addicted to being able to get what we wanted we never worried or stopped to think maybe we shouldnt do this everyday. We never got caught but we did have to stop after it got around the community how easy it was to steal from walmart, well its been about two years since that whole expierence but i was watching a show on fx called shoplifting a crime or an epidemic? and that walmart was on there and i saw myself on that show they were showing me on a security camera as an example how they were waiting for me to steal a certain amount of merchandise before they busted me so they could bring down a long sentence, i dropped a load in my pants and had to laugh im so glad i changed my colors from blue (walmart) to red (k-mart)
-- joe (, June 13, 2003.
I got soooooooo much crap from soooooooo many stores. I got shit loads of makeup, nail polish, hair products, tweezers and curlers, creams, lotions, perfumes, TONS of clothes, bath shit, cds, posters, books, tons of magazines, soda (24 pk mountain dew) even a 50 dollar bed set from wal mart, glasses, a CRAP LOAD of jewelry, shoes, sandles, bags, purses, camera, expensive perfumes, self tanning shit, bronzers, hair dye, and a TON more. I have been stealing since I was 15 years old and now I am 18 so ya I need to be extra careful. Also I only got caught once. I also steal money from bitches at school during gym… no ones in the locker rooms and I go through their pants and get shit loads of money cuz theres a lot of preppy rich chicks in that class so ya… the most I got one day was about 80 bucks. Lol. Ive don’t SO much ‘bad’ shit besides stealing. I cant help it. If you want to know the rest email me.
-- LOL my FULL name ya right (, May 21, 2004.
-- beebop (, May 24, 2004.
-- beebop (, May 24, 2004.
-- beebop (, May 24, 2004.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30
-- beebop (, May 24, 2004.
They're shooting lasers at me.
-- BEEBOP (BEEBOP@BEEBOP.COM), May 24, 2004.
ooga food
ooga food
-- beebop (, May 24, 2004.
ooga foodooga food
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food 5
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food 10
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food 15
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food 20
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food
ooga food 24
-- beebop (, May 24, 2004.
-- BEEBOP (BEE@BOP.COM), May 24, 2004.