Nother goat question? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

OK, Marmie the goat is surely close to kidding. We were calling her momma but that got confuseing. I decided that I was not going to share my name with her so she had to have her own. My little girl and I decided to name our goats after the girls in " LITTLE WOMEN"

So, we have marmie and if she has a girl it will be named Meg or Joe. She says if it is a boy, it will be named Larie. ha-ha! It is so fun haveing a daughter. The other little goat is already named Annabell.

Anyway, Marmie has gotten so big on the bottom. Her bag is round and twice the size it was. Her top half is looking so thin. Her hips are so boney. Her belly is so hard. She even lets me pet her all the way down her back and to her tail. Between her hips and tail bone looks like skin and bones. There is nothing there. She looks sort of hollow? Does that make any since? We are haveing so much fun with these goats.

We also had our first chick born today. So exciting. Everything is blooming and growing. I love spring. It's comeing soon! Oh! Do you think Marmie is kidding very soon??? I hope so. You know what they say about watched goats or is that watched pots. Well we can't help it . It is so exciting.

-- Bonnie (, February 27, 2001


She is going to kid VERY soon. Get down to the barn, and be ready to help if she has any trouble, with clean hands, fingernails clipped short. Hope everything goes well for you. : )

-- Rebekah (, February 27, 2001.

It's a good idea to clip the long hair off the sides of the tail.You might also put a little olive oil or petroleum jelly on the back of the udder.This helps in cleanup,of the lochia,after she kids. See,I learned a new word from Vicki.I had always used the more technical term"stuff".As in "I've got to wash that stuff off Buttercups' udder.

-- JT (, February 27, 2001.

It sounds like she is close. here is a website that may be helpful

-- Bernice (, February 27, 2001.

Given your very good discription of your goats condition I am in agreement that you will be seeing babies soon. Run your fingers along her back on either side of her tail. If it feels as if all her muscles have disappeared, then cute little kids will be in your future very soon. Good luck and have fun. Shore do wish I was there. I just love a good birth.

Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (, February 27, 2001.

Has she had her kids yet? If she has been bagged up all this time and hasn't kidded yet, I'd go in and make sure that she's not having any trouble. Just restrain her by tying her up or putting her in the milk stand, and check with one or two fingers to see if there is a bubble or nose or feet presenting. This may sound kind of invasive, but I have been through a really crummy kidding season this year and sometimes they need help. Let us know when she has them, kidding season is so exciting!

-- Rebekah (, March 01, 2001.

Like everyone else has said, she's close. You will notice a hollowing around the hips and even a change in the angle of the hips when it is close. The tail tends to stick straight out, the vulva gets "puffy" and you may see a slight yellow discharge at the very beginning of labor. Get your birthing supplies ready.

-- Ingrid Ihle (, March 04, 2001.

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