METZ OR LEICA FLASH? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I am currently considering purchasing either a Metz 20BC-6, a Metz 34-CS2 or the Leica SF-20 flash to use with my classic M6. I don't use flash too often but like to have it for occasional fill. Does anyone have any opinions or experience with any of these flashes? I'm a long time reader of this group but a first time participant. Have only been in the M system for about a year so any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

-- JT (FOTOOPP@AOL.COM), February 27, 2001


I use the SF-20. It's light, compact, and has EV compensation control for fill which works nicely (0 to -3 EV for non-TTL models). It also seems to be quite efficient on power ... the Lithium batteries in mine are still original, and I've had it for about a year and a half now.


-- Godfrey DiGiorgi (, February 27, 2001.

If your camera is a TTL then get the SF-20; otherwise, I would get the flash that meets your requirements. The 34 has the flash farther from the lens, which will reduce red-eye. The 20 is compact, less expensive and would work well with a cord to get it off the camera. So it depends on what you want. BTW, Metz makes the SF-20 for Leica. If you do go for the SF-20, the Nikon SC-17 TTL cord and the Contax TLA 100 flash cord both work as TTL flash cords for the leica as well.


-- John Collier (, February 27, 2001.

I use the SF20 with my M6 TTL on the rare occasion I need flash with my Leica. It is small, lightweight and compact; and uses expensive lithium 123's, but they seem to last forever. I did not do a lot of research before buying it, as it came as part of the used camera package I purchased. Since you have the classic M6, a TTL-compatible flash is not necessary unless you plan to upgrade to an M6 TTL in the future. So, as John stated above, any automatic flash with a hot shoe and a decent set of f-options would work just as well, and you could save a significant amount of money going with a lesser flash. For counterpoint however, I have used the SF20 in auto mode on my Nikon for fill in lieu of my SB28, for the simple reason that the SF20 is so compact that I'll pack it along even when I'm not sure I'll need a flash!

-- Jack Flesher (, February 27, 2001.

Sorry... that should read "a decent set of f-stop options".

-- Jack Flesher (, February 27, 2001.

BTW, I use the SF20 on the M6TTL, the M4-P, the Minox 35GT-E and Rollei 35S/Classic. It's quite a good flash, I never get red eye with it.


-- Godfrey DiGiorgi (, February 28, 2001.

I have a Metz 34-CS2 that I had before getting an M. I have always liked the flash for it light weight, compact size, high quality, and large lens to flash axis distance. Of course, it uses CR2 lithiums so it isn't a great choice for heavy flash users.

I have used it a couple fo times with an M6 and it works fine as an auto flash, and balances very nicely in the Leica. I don't need or want to use flash much with the Leica so I am luke warm over all on this subject.

But, if you have a non-TTL M, the 34-CS2 is an excellent choice. If you have TTL, I think the Leica flash makes more sense.

-- Dan Brown (, February 28, 2001.

I use the Leica SF20 flash with my M6 TTL camera. With the diffuser attached, it provides very even illumination at short distances. It is very light and I always carry it in a pocket or bag. I like the fact that it is a TTL flash and can be used at any aperture with both my M6 TTL and R8 cameras. For more general use I use a much larger and powerful Metz 50 flash.

-- Muhammad Chishty (, February 28, 2001.

I have an Olypus S20, which is an exact clone of the Leica CF flash (made for the Minilux)as well as the Konica flash supplied with the Hexar RF. It is tiny, powerful and uses 2 AA's. The Olympus S20 doesn't have the extra "dedication" that the CF or Konica have, but you don't need them on a classic. Best of all, it cost $50 from B&H, including a carry pouch and 24mm diffuser.

-- Jay (, February 28, 2001.

You didn't include it on your list but...the Metz 32MZ-2 with the SCA 3501 module works flawlessly on the M6 ttl. The module has the facility for doing flash compensation in 1/3 increments. Its a really well made flash, light and very powerful for what it is, covers a 28mm lens (fully) and has the ability to do bounce/swivel. I use it with the Nikon SC-17 cord and get full ttl control. From what you have posted, it appears you are looking for compactness more than anything else...unfortunately, you won't get the most out of the ttl circuit with any of these flashes except, of course, the Leica SF-20. But then again, you didn't say whether you use the M6 ttl or not, so...I'll be silent.


-- Michael Hintlian (, February 28, 2001.

Ooops! Just re-read your post and you are using the classic. Sorry. But for anyone else lurking, the Metz 32MZ-2 is a killer flash on the ttl (with the sca 3501 module).


-- Michael Hintlian (, February 28, 2001.

Thank you all very much for your insightful opinions and suggestions to my post. I appreciate the feedback.

Best regards, JT

-- JT (FOTOOPP@AOL.COM), March 01, 2001.

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