is this real? : LUSENET : Bill Laswell : One Thread

is it real? can one man actually out out, and or produce, or write, or....whatever....the more i look into bill laswell the more i find it unbelievable that one person can actually do all this....genius, pure and can own all of his albums and have a fairly well rounded mosaic of music in just wish i could see him live or in an interview or something (live would be KILLER), just to see what hes like...can you imagine jamming w/him, what a freak show...anyway bill is genius, i think just about everything he touches is great and look forward to hearing more....what really amazes me is that there are not more fans than there are...never quite got that...wierd...thank you for you attention....

-- norman kent (, March 02, 2001


great !!

-- mysinsemilla (, February 01, 2003.

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