portaledge flys...greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread |
Hey guys- I was seam-sealing the fly on my A5 ledge when the thought occurred to me: do I need to be careful where the fly meets the webbing at the top? In other words, will the seam seal chemically weaken the webbing. It seemed as if that is a good area to cover well, but not if it is hard on the webbing... but, what do I know. Thank you,
-- Tyler Schlicting (native_ecstasy@hotmail.com), March 02, 2001
Good question Tyler. Ask John, he'll know. Email to "DEUCE4@aol.com"
-- Wayne (climbharder@hotmail.com), March 05, 2001.
Thanks Wayne! So others know, John said that good silicone-based stuff won't really effect the strength of the nylon webbing.
-- Tyler (native_ecstasy@hotmail.com), March 05, 2001.