Got my M6 TTL 35/2 asph in OZ - thanks for all the advise... : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread


Thanks to everyone who gave me pointers on where to get my M6. After a lot of searching on the internet and in magazines I had quotes from USA, UK, Italy, OZ & Singapore. In the end I went back to one of my local dealers and talked to them about the other quotes I had and finally 3 days later thay came back with a price of $2830.00 US ($5300.00 AUD)for the M6TTL and 35/2 asph which was as good as any of my other prices and didn't leave me having to worry about import duty etc. They seemed happy to keep the purchase in Australia too so that was handy.

Just need to stock up on some film and start taking some pictures.

Thanks again.


-- Mark Griffin (, March 02, 2001


You are going to love that 35/2 Asph, it'll blow you away. Mind you to take advantage of the Leica lenses you really need to get into B&W developing and printing or color slides, which you may be already of course.

-- sam smith (, March 03, 2001.

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