
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Brown Argo : One Thread

Hey Argonauts-

I've set up a pretty little discussion board so that we can exchange ideas or notifications to each other in between our weekly meetings and without directly emailing each other. Sound good? We'll see how it works and if it gets used, but it was 5 minutes of effort on my part. :)

The format is Q&A (i.e. it wants you to post a 'New Question' but it really doesn't have to be asking anything). That confused me at first.

OK? Have fun, and go ape-shit on here!!


-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001


See! This post is neither an answer to a question, nor is the first post a question itself. Isn't that funny? Maybe not.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001

Hey hey. This is fun. Way to go mark.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001

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