Mastitus in diary goats with new : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I need to know where if you have it, how to find information on mastitus in does with new kids
-- Veenoma Johnson (, March 05, 2001
Hi Veenoma, has some information on mastitis, so does any of the list at Nubian Talk etc. Just join, go to the archives, put in mastitis, and sit down for days and read.The first symptom of masitis nursing their kids is diarrhea in the kids usually. If you are hand milking a warm udder, milk that tastes nasty, or in other cases a cold blue udder. It totally depends upon the kind of mastitis, and in the case of staph you can have no sypmtoms at all other than a small decrease in production of one or both of the sides. Would love to help what is the problem? Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, March 06, 2001.
What are your symptoms? I don't know what your experience level is, but I had a doe freshen, and thought she had mastitis because her udder seemed quite full and hard, but I couldn't get any milk out. It turned out to be only a congested udder that is quite common just after kidding. Cleared up on its own after about a week.
-- Laura Jensen (, March 07, 2001.