Fudge buildin directions

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Some have asked for the fudge receipe again. Well--here goes! 3 cups of sugar----1 cup of milk----3 tablespoons of choc---Butter the size of a walnut. Boil and stir until a soft ball forms. Cool without stirrin then beat until it starts to set up. Pour into buttered pan/plate. If you want to add nuts do so when you start coolin it.

If you like peanut butter fudge better than choc fudge--replace the choc with 3 tablespoons of peanut butter. Enjoy! Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 05, 2001


Hoot, you old tempter, you. Now I simply must make some of that fudge. My mouth is already watering. Hips look out, here comes a few more pounds! :^)

-- Eve in FL (owenall@lwol.com), March 06, 2001.

i hate to sound ignorant, but i am a little konfuzd and need some clarification. you said 3 tbsps of choc. what is choc ?

i am a little klutzy in the kitchen so thanks for your answer


-- gene ward (gward34847@aol.com), March 07, 2001.

Hey Gene! choc is chocklate. I'm try'n to save ink in m'printer so abreviated a mite. I'd said Herseys but that wuld've giv'm a bit of advertisment. Well anyhow-I'll say Herseys anyhoo. Theys makes tha best ya no. ole hoot the choklate lover. Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 07, 2001.

Hoot, do you mean powdered cocoa? Jean

-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), March 07, 2001.

Jean. Yes powdered cocoa but if you want to --- 3 squares of choclate will work too. Luke 6:31

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 07, 2001.

Okay, this thread has too much about chocolate. Now there are drool marks all over my monitor. Guess I'll have to go try the recipe so I won't have to suffer withdrawals.

-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), March 09, 2001.

Isn't a tsp. of vanilla is beatten in after the fudge cools a little?

-- Dinah Jewel (dinah_jewel@us.aflac.com), March 23, 2002.

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