baking bread in a Dutch : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
ok,, been baking alot of bread,, tring new receipes,, basically just using up my Y2K supplies. Tried it on top of the wood burner in a dutch over, It collapsed,, didnt stay risen. (rose ?) All I did was put the dough in,, and set the dutch oven on a trivet on the burner,, tastes good. Anything I can do to keep it, rose/risen ???
-- Stan (, March 06, 2001
Did you put coals on top? thats what the lip around the lid is for.
-- Thumper (, March 06, 2001.
...or at least pre-heat the lid. Also don't put anymore dough in than 1/2 of what the dutch oven will hold. I think the dough needs to be a bit on the dry side, too.
-- Laura (, March 07, 2001.