Hook'n rugs, Cane'n chairs and climb'n phone poles

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hook'n rugs, cane'n chairs and climb'n telephone poles. Back when I was jest a pup mom done and showed me how to hook rugs. Made our hooks from a couple sticks-usually maple, pointed on one end with a notch cut in it. Using old rags it wasn't too hard to "hook" one in a couple hours or so. Course, I wasn't in that big a hurry so it took me longer. I remember sell'n'm to people that would come a lookin at what we had. Seems that I sold mine for half dollar each. That was a lot of money way back then!

After I got a little bit older it was cane'n chairs as a little income maker. Chairs were already built but had lost their bottoms due to big bottoms on these small bottoms! Well anyhow, if we could get hickory that was what we'd use. If we couldn't get that for some reason then we'd use slick soft maple bark. It worked about as well and lasted about as long as the hickory. In fact I think it was a little bit easier to use the maple. If one was done properly and put on just right-while green - those things would dry out and tighten up as good as "store bought" chairs. When we would harvest the bark from a live tree it was usually 1/2" to 3/4"wide. Didn't like usin anything any wider as it was a lot more difficult to work. Seems we got $5.00 for each re-caned chair as I recall.

Still later ole jeep and I both went to work for a phone company install'n new cables. Back then a bucket truck was just a dream. Every pole had to be climbed and the cable pulled up by rope just so's a body could clamp it into the hanger clamp. Many a day I've "beat the sticks" from 8 till noon-rest a spell whilst eat'n-then back to the poles till quit'n time. Ole jeep did the same but actually clumb more than I had. He was skinny [still is] and quick. I was taller, heavier and slow as a cold molassas! At the end of day I was just as worn out as he was though! Started losing feelin in both feet years ago--even before diabetes reared it's ugly head. Problem was nerves being damaged while stand'n on a pole -the steel strap under ones feet would pinch those nerves. Any amount of arch supports, lineman boots etc wouldn't help for very long.

Times have certainly changed! Neither ole jeep or I have any desire to climb anymore. The poles are mostly gone now as phone lines are all buried in these parts. Open wire phone lines are also a thing of the past as is the "crank up" phones of yesteryear. Thank God for the internet! Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 06, 2001


What a great story. Wish I could learn chair caning. My problem is I want to do everything and learn everything, just not enought time in the day. I do have a suggestion for your feet and legs though. Try magnetic shoe insoles. You should be able to find them at a health food store or search yahoo.com for sites that sell these products. Maybe you can find a pair that would fit your budget. The magnets stimulate your nerves and help with circulation (this is not a medically supported fact and I am not trying to diagnose for all those Doctors out there who are so against natural therapies) this is from my own experience with pain relief and that of friends. I hope this is of some help and thanks again for the great story Hoot. If you try the insoles and they help please let me know. I love success stories!!

-- Vickie Allen (ouvickie@hotmail.com), March 13, 2001.

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