202hack on win98- having problems

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Roland MC-202 Hack : One Thread

I have installed java, and the 202hack v.101 on windows98. I followed the win95 instructions, and when I run the hack, all I get is a window with a black background, with a path that says : "c:\program files\202hack 101>java hack202.class can't find hack202.class" I've tried a few subtly different classpath strings, but although I'm competent enough to follow the instructions, I don't really know what I'm doing wrong or if the problem is an OS compatibility problem. would greatly appreciate help/advice. with thanks... matt

-- matthew pinder (gingamatt@email.com), March 07, 2001



Your problem is not uncommon - over the years I've had lot's of these messages. Bottom line - I have no idea why it doesn't work for some people. Others follow the same directions and it works just fine. Go figure!

The only thing I can offer at this point (assuming you followed the directions closely and exactly) is to let you know about something that I've not advertised on the web site yet - I have an .exe version of the program, that does not rely on Java at all; it's a standard Windows executable. It's otherwise identical to the Java version. The only difference is that it's not a shareware version - it's prepay only (still $10). People who've had problems like you and who then get the .exe version have had ZERO problems with getting the .exe version running. If you're interested, I can accept PayPal payments, so you wouldn't have to wait. The .zip package for this version is about 1 Mb or so, and I would e-mail it to you.

Let me know if you're interested, and sorry you've had problems with the Java version.


-- Dan Nigrin (dan@defectiverecords.com), March 07, 2001.

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