Leica Production Code Words?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Is there any rhyme or reason to Leica M accessory production codes such as ADVOO, MOOKY,HESUM, etc. Are they acronyms for German words. Or, are they simply random/arbitrary? Thanks in advance. Regards, Richard Fulco

-- Richard Fulco (calcinc@mn.rr.com), March 09, 2001


For all practical purposes they are random. Related articles are often grouped together but not always. Here is an example:

SGOOD - brightline viewfinder for 85mm lens

SGVOO - brightline viewfinder for 90mm lens

SHOOC - brightline finder for 135mm lens

While also:

SGUUD - spare projector lamp

SGVUU - projector condenser lens

SHUUC - viewing desk for projectors

And before you get the bright idea that you can write your doctorial thesis on how OO is for viewfinders and UU is for projectors, look at these two:

ABCOO - film cutting knife

ABCUU - epidiascope Vp 325 with two lenses


-- John Collier (jbcollier@home.com), March 09, 2001.

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