Already ragged reputation on the line... : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Here are 4 photographs, the first 4 I have ever uploaded. Im new to the Leica system so comments would be welcomed.


-- Jason Vicinanza (, March 10, 2001


Well, to my eye the second one is definitely the special one.

-- Michael Darnton (, March 10, 2001.

IMHO, the second one is the winner. Hands down.

-- Jack Flesher (, March 10, 2001.

Jason, I think you should give up photography and sell your equipment to me:) I've been photographing 25 years now and if I produced your second image today I'd be pleased as the proverbial 'pig in poop'. Keep up the good work.

-- Bob Todrick (, March 10, 2001.

Jason, great shots. The 50mm is your prime lens? Do you ever use a 35?

-- Steve Hoffman (, March 10, 2001.

Thanks for the kind words guys!



-- Jason Vicinanza (, March 10, 2001.

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