which is the best way to harvest cashmere from cashmere goats?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have two cashmere goats that are about 11 months old and in March/April we are supposed to harvest the wool/cashmere. There are two ways to do it either shear or comb out. I am wondering if you can use dog clippers for this or will they clog much too easily? I have a set of hand shears that were found in the old barn and need much help. They are rusty and need desperate sharpening. Combing the goats is supposed to be gradual and I think shearing would be easier. Also, I live in Maine and we just have received about three feet of snow this week and should I wait to do them? It just seems rude to rob them of their winter warmth when winter just doesn't want to quit. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

-- cara lewis (cnllewis@email.com), March 10, 2001


Cara, boy do I envy you, nothing like good soft cashmere. The best way is to comb the fibar out as you get less guard hair that way.We have a pygora and I use people hair cutting sissors on her.

-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), March 10, 2001.

I just use a dog slicker brush. The fiber comes off kind of pre-carded in little batts, and with very little guard hair. Also, only the fiber that is ready to shed anyway comes off, so I'm not really stealing the doe's warmth, just directing where the fiber goes (better my brush than my fence!).

-- Laura Jensen (lrjensen@nwlink.com), March 11, 2001.

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