Spring talk. [Christian Material included]

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Sassafrass Tea! Ole jeep dug some roots last week and made some tea with'm. In fact, he didn't dig'm--he throw'd a rope around some small trees [saplins] and pull'd'm out with his little nikki 4wheel pull pickup. He uses the samplns for bean poles and the roots for t. Ole Elmer [jeeps wifey] put'm in a crock pot and let'm cook for better part of 2 days. They ended up with about a gallon of real dense concentrate. You don't drink it straight!!! He's cutt'n it about 4 tablespoons per gallon of water. Add sugar to taste and have a try at't. One of mans most beneficial spring tonics when used properly. Won't be long now until garden time. Ole jeep plowed his'n garden today with the Gravely rotary plow. I'm ready for plant'n time. Have had nuff winter to last me till bout next November. By then maybe I'll get rich and Lil Dumplin and the old fat man can go to florida for couple months next year. Now, I'm dream'n! Ya'll have a peaceful weekend and do some talk'n to our Lord in the meantime. He's wait'n on your call--and its TOLL FREE! Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 10, 2001


Hi hoot,,your thread reminded me of when my kids and I used to go gather sassafras for spring tonic,,I haven't had any for a long time now,,since I moved from WV back in 1988. I am not sure it even grows out here in MT, will have to look into it more. My kids are all grown now, and I miss those wonderful times we had when they were growing up,,oh well, life goes on.***We still have about 90% of ground covered with snow here in my area, some melting slowly each day lately. Spring is definitely in the air,,It would be nice to be able to take a Florida vacation once in awhile like you mentioned, I have those dreams too, ,,, :-) ,,and, yes, I do talk to my heavenly Father,,he keeps me going..I looked up the scripture you cited,thank you..We sure need to stay humble and stay alert to that truth. Here is another for you ...ROMANS 12:12,,you have a great day and tell Dumplin hello for me,,:-)

-- Patsy (cozyhollow-gal@care2.com), March 11, 2001.

Hi Patsy! Thanks for the friendship! I was just sett'n here watch'n the puter screen-read'n your response when it came upon my old haid-- if you don't have sassafrass out thar and would like some roots. Well, we have bunches of'm around here. I'll get ya some --that isif'n ya'll want'm. I'll not deliver'm all the way out thar but the mailman will! Let me know if you would---ole jeep'll need a little forewarning!LOL. Email me if you want with your snail mail addy. ole hoot, the illinois hillbilly and root digger! Yeah, thats it! Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 11, 2001.

That brought back some memories. I remember going to the woods in the Pennsylvania hills with grandma Ferguson and mom to gather sassafrass and remember how the kitchen would smell when the brew was in the making. hmmmm---goood!

-- john leake (natlivent@pcpros.net), March 11, 2001.

I'm going to be digging up sassafras here shortly.....but it is in order to clear a meadow. I'll probably dig a few roots for tea too :o). I just love the smell. Seems somewhere I heard that scientists now say sassafras is bad for you. Folks been drinking sassafras tea for years and years now....guess I'll have a cup or two anyhow :o). The good Lord must be trying to teach me patience....60's during the day but down in the 20's at night....I want to garden soooo bad! May the Lord bless and keep you all on this beautiful Son-day!

-- Amanda in Mo (aseley@townsqr.com), March 11, 2001.

Sassafras! That brings back some memories for me, too. I was a barefoot Arky girl in my young years. When I went to visit my Mom in AR. a few years ago, I asked about the sassafras. Stores used to have it, now they've decided it's harmful in some way. ???? I don't recall how, but I still wanted some. I love the smell of it! God bless!

-- Nancy in NoCal (sonflower35@icqmail.com), March 11, 2001.

It is that time of year, isn't it. I'm going to have to go digging in the fencerow now. I can remember one spring, quite a while ago, when I got lucky and didn't have to dig. A neighboring farmer plowed a bit wider than usual, and turned up all sorts of roots. He knew I 'did' herbs, and called to ask if I wanted them. Of course, it didn't hurt his feelings to get them out of the way, either. ; - )

-- Connie (Connie@lunehaven.com), March 11, 2001.

Sassafras Festival in Vernon, In the 3rd or 4th weekend in April. Nice little small town festival, and a cup of free tead, civial war enactment, stuff to buy.

-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), March 17, 2001.

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