What house plants are bad for kittens?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

We have two new Maine Coon kittens who have adopted us and our house. They are busy right this minute exploring every nook and cranny in the house. We have several plants and they are real attractive potential trouble. Please help!!! They are African Violets, Geraniums, Christmas Cactus, and Jade Plant.

Are any of these deadly to the kittens? Or, are we just going to get shredded foilage?

Chuck . . .

-- Anonymous, March 11, 2001


Hi Chuck. Go to this URL and you will find your answer.



-- Anonymous, March 11, 2001

Also this site too, Chuck:


:) Donna

-- Anonymous, March 11, 2001

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