Weekend. March 11?

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What's up w/ y'all lameing out on the weekend? Weak!

In Newark. Layover from hell. sooooo tired.

sxsw!!!!!!!!!!!!! Al- how was this weekend? How was chicago?

-- Anonymous, March 11, 2001


Well, Allison and AB are at sxsw, and you and Teri are (were) in Spain. So it would have been me talking to myself.

-- Anonymous, March 11, 2001

Hey - I just got in.

Weekend was CLAZY. I hardly saw AB. My cell phone broke. Like, into several pieces.

H - I can't wait to see you. Had a blast with Ray. You'll get to meet him. He leaves Wed, I think. He asked us "When's my girlfriend getting here?" Meaning you, of course. We bonded.

I guess you'll be keeping it real with the MOC and Eric and pamie and stee until I get there Thursday night. OH! Chuy invited - INSISTED - that we stay at his house over next weekend. So, you can check out of your hotel, and won't have to pay for the weekend. We'll be kicking it Chuy style, which is the only way to go. (You won't have a bed, but the couch folds out - or you can sleep in the vibrating LA-Z-BOY.)

Actually, H, we just need to talk and make arrangements. I couldn't keep up with AB this weekend at all, because my phone broke and I was trying to schmooze for my friend Dan's film, so I need to try and make plans with you in advance for this weekend.

Chicago was... well... we'll have to talk about that, too. I got so desperate to discuss it the other night, I almost called Mike, even. Poor thing - I know he's so thankful he wasn't home. I can imagine the girl talk would have been a little too much.

More tomorrow.

-- Anonymous, March 11, 2001

See, now, Al, you won't get to hear the very ugly, drunken messages I left you last night. I had to follow whoo-er Meredith around to a million bars so she could git her a mayun.

Bitch. Next time I'm staying with y'all.

-- Anonymous, March 11, 2001

AB, can I say how much it kills me that I missed your call?

-- Anonymous, March 11, 2001

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