Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Building : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I am looking for information related to the history of the Niagara Mohawk building in downtown Syracuse.

-- Noz (, March 12, 2001


style and architects of the building

-- wannidan (, October 12, 2002.

who is the architect of the building

-- wannida nivartvong (, October 19, 2002.

I am uncertain whether you're still interested, but have a colleague who is a cultural geographer living in the Syracuse area who seems quite knowledgable about the history of landmark buildings in the area. Contact me directly and I will pass along his e-mail address.

-- James Hare (, October 14, 2003. 1niagra.asp

-- Andy (, December 23, 2003.

-- Andy (, December 23, 2003.

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