Has the crash in MF camera prices hit the P67II? I'll be selling soon...greenspun.com : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread |
Anyway, it looks like I'll need to sell my P67II outfit soon. I'll post a "for-sale" later, or I'll do an eBay.But, my question is this: everyone tells me that the MF prices are going down quite a bit, as many photogs have moved to digital for many commercial, portrait, etc. I've been out of the market since I bought the 67II and am wondering what people have noticed about the price moves on used Pentax 6x7 equipment.
thanks dan strawberry9@worldnet.att.net
-- Dan Edwards (strawberry9@worldnet.att.net), March 15, 2001
Dan,I'm sorry the hear you need to sell your gear. To be honest I've never really noticed severe price drops in P67 equipment when compared to others. The P67II body had dropped a bit, but that should be expected a few years after any new product is released. There have been substantial drops in the prices of other MF gear, but I think digital is only part of the reaseon. It's my personal belief that digital has only impacted MF gear in the catalog area, and of course the yuppie market. I don't know anyone using them for serious portraiture (if you ever looked at skin tone rendition in digital you'll understand why). I think it's part because of huge advancement in 35mm gear (better lenses, better meters, eye focus, image stabilization, etc) and some brands were priced at nearly insulting levels in the first place, such as Rollei and Hassey.
P67 used prices are very low. New P67 equipment is not that expensive to begin with, and it's been around so long that there is an awful lot of used gear out there. Unless you're in a cash flow crunch, it's hardly worth selling.
-- Scott Laughlin (scottlaughlin@mindspring.com), March 15, 2001.