new ways : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

hi I am a applied art graduate and I am shooting for a web sight for last 3 years Personally I enjoy shooting in black and white doing all the darkroom work myself. I have been shooting people lifestyles and culture around different parts of the country (India!) for quite some time I am interested in knowing some job avenues little different than conventional advertising photography.

anybody of you following any such unique stream of photographic application please put them forward.

Thanks middle

-- middle (, March 17, 2001


With all due respect to you as a person:

1. I don't have any idea what question you are asking.

2. Are you an India native, and did you learn English in the US or in India?

3. I am a teacher and I have an Indian student from New Deli who writes and speaks english better than I British English...and he's only 10 years old!

4. Why is your kind of English good, yet so bad...improper capital letters, no punctuation, and horrendous sentence structure (you don't make sense!)?

If you want an answer, proofread what you wrote and ask again! Please slow down, think about what you want to say, and ask us again. Thank you.

-- Todd Frederick (, March 17, 2001.

Middle, If your main concentration has been shooting life styles and India culture, it sounds as if your work might be suited to Journalism or possably Travel articles or magazines. This all depends upon your approach to your subjects, of course. Since I am not up on the markets in India I can not give you advise on where to take your work specificly, but you might want to check into publications and newspapers in your area that use the type of work you do and show them what you have done.

-- james megargee (, March 19, 2001.

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