Durst M805 enlarger with colour headgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread |
I don't know if this is a little off subject, but does anyone know anything about this enlarger, or where I can get hold of info./specs./brochures?Would you recommend it?
Thanks in advance!
-- Ed Hurst (BullMoo@hotmail.com), March 17, 2001
Check with the Durst distributor at http://www.jobo-usa.com/jobofoto/ to see if they have info, instructions, specs etc.Durst makes great enlargers, but parts and accessories for some older models are very difficult to find. The M805 is listed as a current model.
-- John Hicks (jbh@magicnet.net), March 18, 2001.
right now i reply you sitting next to my enlarger, an $200 Krokus Mini-M with a Sonar (Japan?) $52 lens. the rain just flood my darkroom tonight and i have to evacuate the stuff from there. yes, Its Durst is a standart enlarger and should work fine. (mines works fine and as u can see its a piece of junk).
-- Celcio (non@non.non), March 21, 2001.