Ideas?????? : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread

It looks to me as if you need to come up with team lists quickly, before the ideas to build go totally off the wall.... lol good luck

-- Mitch (, March 19, 2001


Mitch- The build ideas were pretty far off the wall by the time I got here. Maybe you could take nominations for the strangest idea.

-- Chip Haynes (, April 04, 2001.

I would real like it if the teams had to consruct a log skidder I am 12 years old my older brother was a logger and just drives a log truck now I would use my idea on the show and please send me a vhs copy of the episode to 125 Thornwood Ln Sillpery Rock P.A. 16057

-- Andrew Douglas Thornbury (PATANDKAT@ZOOMINTERNET.NET), December 16, 2003.

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