kodaline paper?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I found an old pack of "Kodaline industrial paper". What the hell is that? Transparancy It's written "non-ortho" on the cover, with code "C" How to develop it? in normal B&W paper developer or in lith one?


-- xosni (xosni@gega.net), March 20, 2001


Hai Xosni, I think what you meant was the Kodalith paper... It gives the transparency feature once you dip it in the fixer To develop it, you could use normal developing chemicals, or the kodalith developer chemicals. They both result the same. However, for the developing time, you have to dip it in the stop chemical after the picture starts showing. Then, dip it in stop and fixer at the normal time. When you wash it, you might want to give extra time, about 5 minutes.

And one other thing. The paper is very very sensitive to safe light, so be very careful.

Hope that answers your questions

-- Natalia (sho@asia.com), October 19, 2001.

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