M6 TTL chrome/black weights...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I hope not to offend by asking such basic questions, but I don't have the luxury of a Leica dealer locally to get my "hands-on" various peices of equip. for comparison. But if anyone has the patience to help, thanks in advance...

I had the pleasure of using a chrome M6 and 50mm 'cron that belonged to a friend last summer. I was so impressed! After many years of what I thought was well-spent time with all my good 'ol Nikons, the M6 took me back to the very basics that made me love photography in the first place.

So, after much reading and 'net surfing (BTW, thanks for all the advice of this group!), I recently took the plunge and I just received my NEW chrome M6TTL .72 with 35mm 'cron (also chrome). Its all gorgeous! I have one reservation --- I guess last summer, I was so taken in by the "Leica-voodoo" that I didn't think to notice or at lease don't remember the camera's weight. This new set-up is really a heavy unit (lense+body), much more so than my trusty 'ol FM2 and Nikkor 50 f/1.4. You say, "dummy, why'd you pick chrome?" Well, I had gone for the chrome simply because I love the classic looks. I didn't really spend much time considering weight. After all, "its a Leica", "its small" and "portable" and "discreet", right?

So please enlighten me... Really, how much lighter would my package be in black? I have since learned of the whole brass vs. aluminum thing for the lenses, but what about the bodies? Do the two finishes really weigh that much different on the camera bodies?

If I can predict what I think you all will say, I think my next lense purchases will be the black ones, to try to cut down on weight. Because, after all that's a big reason I took the plunge into Leica in the first place.

Sincerely, Keith W. Cooper Little Rock "no Leica dealers", AR

-- Keith W. Cooper (drcooper@swbell.net), March 20, 2001


I too like the looks and hate the weight. Get the accessory grip, it will help immensly.

-- Bill Mitchell (bmitch@home.com), March 20, 2001.

The bodies weigh the same - 560 grams. The black 35 asph 'cron weighs in at 255 grams, the chrome version 340. So, there is a difference of about 85 grams, or shy of 1/4 pound -- perhaps not an insignificant consideration when you multiply by three or four lenses in a bag... I currently own only black lenses, and use them on both black and chrome bodies -- Either combo looks fine to me.

-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), March 21, 2001.

I have chrome and black bodies, chrome and black lenses. I no longer notice the weight difference. The Leica grip is a good suggestion - some like it, some not. I find it helps hold on to the camera. Don't worry about it - they're all good. Spend less time second-guessing and more time enjoying photography again.

-- Ken Shipman (kennyshipman@aol.com), March 21, 2001.


Actually, the black lenses look fine on a chrome body-chrome lenses look a bit odd on a black body, though I don't think anyone really notices. I have both combinations, and for the future I'll stick to black lenses.

The Nikon FM/FE is more grippable than the Leica M6, because the distance to the top plate is much less (i.e. height without the prism housing). A grip provides a little better handling.

I've learned to use the M strap that comes with the camera, strapping it like a bandolier over one shoulder and around the other side. This is very comfortable and provides quite a bit of stability to the camera from the strap tension when the camera is lifted to the eye. YMMV.

But you are right in that just carrying the M6 in the hand is definitely more tiring, especially on a hot sweaty day, than the Nikon FM with a similar lens even though, going by the specs, the Nikon is not that much lighter.

-- Mani Sitaraman (bindumani@pacific.net.sg), March 21, 2001.

I never found the FM2 (which has no "grip" like the F3,FA or FG) more grippable than a Leica M, and I like the fact that the Leica (minus lens) can be zipped into an inside suitcoat or photo-vest pocket, so I've never been tempted to add an extra grip to it. The Leica's weight belies its compact dimensions, ditto for the lenses, that's true. That weight further enhances the Leica's ability to be hand- held steadily at slower shutter speeds, both by the added inertia as well as absorption of vibration.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), March 21, 2001.

Jay, I see my post was ambiguous. I should have said "a grip makes the M6 a bit more easy to hold...". I did not mean to imply that the Nikon FM has a grip.

Notwithstanding, I'm sure this is largely an issue to do with hand size, in addition to camera weight, dimensions and distribution of mass.

My hands are small, and seem to like the FM more than the M6.

By the way, if you carry the M6 body in a vest pocket, where do you put the lens?

I've often read of the Leica being carried in his coat by the dapper Cartier Bresson, but my gear just threatens to tear through my clothing right away :-)

-- Mani Sitaraman (bindumani@pacific.net.sg), March 21, 2001.

"Actually, the black lenses look fine on a chrome body-chrome lenses look a bit odd on a black body ..."

Agreed. But with a black lens hood attached to the chrome lens, suddenly everything looks right again (at least to me). My 2cents.

The reason the back & chrome bodies weigh the same is that the black body is chrome--black chrome. A Leica first.

-- Bob Fleischman (RFXMAIL@prodigy.net), March 21, 2001.

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