Stupid Question No. : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Hi Everyone.I was wondering with the new version of Three Wonders (World) that came with the last Beta, which means that the (US) version is no longer the original version but a clone. This means that (US) has been renamed from 3wonders to 3wonderu.
The old 3wonderu Rom, I could run without any speed problems on MAME36, however the new 3wonderu Rom I must run on MAME3713 with Framekip 9. Yes, my PC is slow, but I can't afford a new one :-(
My question is, is it allowed to play the old 3wonderu rom on MAME36 and upload it to MARP warning that the old ROM must be used to play it back? Or must I use the new ROM only?
I hope someone understands what I mean. I'm not that good at explaning myself in English. Please help.
-- Frankie (, March 24, 2001
I don't see why you wouldn't be allowed to do it that way.
-- Matt Denham (, March 24, 2001.
This is a difficult one, since the gamenames have changed at marp, and you wish to record 3wonders on mame36 you'll have to uploaded it as 3wonderu, so the same romset gets scored in the same clones set. But you'll also have to put in the marp description about this, so as not to confuse anyone, since you are really recording a different game short name but it's scored under the same romset.I think that should be ok.
-- Chad (, March 24, 2001.
I could upload it as '3wonders.inp' under '3wonderu' and tell in the description that the old ROM was used. But the main problem might be for the inp checker to get the old ROM now that MAME.DK is down. Does any other site carry the old ROMS, or do you inp checkers keep those?Man, it is really annoying that MAME.DK had to close :-(
-- Frankie (, March 24, 2001.
yeah, it would be harder to find the roms, we do already have problems like that, pang gpilots vfive wheroes. It would be preferable to record with a newer version, but if it means the old one allows you run at 100% fps, the old one take priority. It's possible m37b14 might run the game faster, so stay tuned as always...
-- Chad (, March 24, 2001.
Yes, let's hope that. Thank you for all your help Chad. I'll try and stick to the newest ROMS whenever possible.Bye.
-- Frankie (, March 25, 2001.
Include the rom .zip in your recording to make sure the confirmer can use the old set. (Yes, that'll make the .zip much larger than it would otherwise be, but at least they'll be able to confirm the recording.)
-- Matt Denham (, March 26, 2001.