Are you a Russian fan of Scrapheap Challenge? : LUSENET : Scrapheap : One Thread

Hi! I am looking for a Russian team to take part in 'Mega Wars' - a one-off special of Junkyard Wars to be filmed in Los Angeles in July 2001. I am particularly interested in talking to Russians who live in UK/America, who love the programme and who would like to put a team together. You would need to be mechanically minded, good at practical skills such as welding, drilling, sawing and good with all sorts of engines. You would be competing against a British team and an American team - and you will be asked to build a super-hybrid machine over 2 days at our junkyard. The machines are put to the real test on the third and final day of the challenge - a chance to prove your team's supremacy over the others. If you feel you can rise to the challenge and build something out of absolute junk! and are interested in taking part please email me at and I will contact you to talk to you further about the programme. Also, if you are British but have Russian friends who you think may be interested then I would be very grateful if you could please pass this message on to them! Thank you. Zoe Valmas

-- zoe valmas (, March 27, 2001


The thing that Scrapheap has over Robot Wars is that there are no military/war connotations in it (other than some of the props). It is an educational program, which promotes all that is good in engineering, team building and design. Is it right to produce a program that re-visits the cold war an event that we would all rather forget?

-- Graham Wagstaff (, April 24, 2001.

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