cataclysmic megashare : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Does anyone have any beta on cataclysmic megashare on the south face of the half dome? I would also like to know how many ascents its seen. And which part of the south face its on.

-- Zach (, March 27, 2001


There is a hand-drawn topo at, look under the Big Wall Obscurities section....

-- Jim Leininger (, March 28, 2001.

here is the link:

-- Chris McNamara (, June 14, 2001.

actually it's called Cataclysmic Megasheer, it was misspelled in the black diamond catalog. it ascends the SE face of half dome between Autobahn and Lost Again. it's had one ascent. be prepared for tricky, runout face climbing, arduous pitoning (blades/arrows), and of course an approach from hell.

-- ec (, February 24, 2002.

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