Original Oatmeal Baking Co. Hazelnut Bread

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Bread.com FAQ : One Thread

Several years ago, I used to be able to buy the Hazelnut bread by Original Oatmeal Baking Co. at Safeway here in the Pacific Northwest. I moved to the South to go to school, and when I came back, could no longer find it at the Safeway stores. They do carry a Western Hazelnut variety, but it is decidedly *not* the same bread. Could you advise me where to purchase this bread in the Seattle area?

Many Thanks!

Karla Anderson

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001



Our Western Hazelnut Bread is available at Safeway Stores under the Oregon Western Hazelnut label and is also available in major retail chains under the Franz Premium Line label. The only formula change that we have had on the Oregon bread was to change the Hazelnut Blend to a Nut Blend to add more variety.

We hope you will give our bread another try. Please feel free to contact me directly at lindas@bread.com if I can answer any additional questions or concerns.

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

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