TTL meter problem : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I recently purchased a Penax 67 with TTL metering. It didn't come with intstructions for the meter (although I've used Pentax Spotmatics in the past) and I'm stumped as to how to turn the meter on!. The switch on top of the TTL Prism will not budge from its position in between on and off. Is there something else I need to do to activate the meter?

-- Michael J. Harding (, March 28, 2001


The switch is supposed to return to it's middle position, it doesn't stay in on or off position. You just push it to on and it jumps back. If the meter doesn't work (the needle is visible under the viewframe, it switches off automatically after a few seconds!) you should check the battery (little knob on the back, red light lits on top) and check if the powerconnections between prism and body are clean. If it still doesn't work , there is something wrong. See earlier threads, were you can see fixing it at Pentax isn't always expensive.

-- Peter Gooijer (, March 30, 2001.

I have that problem to, give it a bump or slap

-- Anno (, June 24, 2001.

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