What counseling theory did reality therapy originate from?greenspun.com : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
I am a graduate student in a school counseling program. I am constructing a paper on Reality Therapy and its application in the schools. I have obtained my articles from the Journal of Reality Therapy, but I have found little information on its origin. Did it evolve out of Existential Psychology or another modality?
-- Suzanne Mundy (smundy@bu.edu), April 03, 2001
See Dr. Robert Wubbolding's book: "Reality Therapy for the 21st. Century" for a detailed history
-- ken lyons (kenlyon@gofree.indigo.ie), April 16, 2001.
Reality Therapy employs cognitive/behavioral theories.
-- Carlo P. Walker, M.Ed. (Doctoral Candidate in Counselor Education) (cpwalker@aol.com), January 17, 2002.
Control therapy.
-- James A Oliver (nucyo@msn.com), February 17, 2002.