Violence in Society. [WARNING!!!! -- Christian Material] : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

It seem that each day we hear of all kinds of perverse acts of violence in America. What was once kinda reserved for the "dive joints" or "beer joints" has now esclated into the workplace, homes and even schools. America [and indeed the entire world it seems] have degraded to the point of being not much better than humans in the dark ages. We are supposed to be civilized to the point of being overwhelmed with our knowledge and education that something else has slipped. What has caused it? In my opinion the problem started because of lack of respect and authority in the home. When one loses respect for authority of any kind, then society is already in a downhill slide. The lack of respect is so widespread that one only has to take a stroll in public. Stores, malls,sidewalks and even television has become overrun with foul language and hateful actions by a lot of people claiming "freedom of speech". "The public talks and acts like this so why not just let it out in the open"? I beg to differ with'm. I don't talk like that, neither does my family, friends and most acquaintences! I'm not lily white nor am I or my friends "above" anybody else. I also don't know anybody that makes it their duty to perform acts of violence just because they want to.I can see no earthly reason to act/talk the way that "modern, enlightened and free spirited" indivuals do. I know I'm an old hick but thats ok. I can live with myself. I also won't find fault with another just because they may have a different faith or opinion other than mine. I'm not anybodys judge!! While I would like to see ALL come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ you won't hear me complain or lambast anybody for their choices. Not my job---witnessing IS my job.

I've received some emails in the past that condemn me for posting what I do and also accuse me of unscruptous acts not befitting a Christian. I've also been threatened with bodily harm and loss of life to continue doing what I'm doin. I will NOT cease posting my Christian witness for anybody! I post what Almighty God tells me to post. I sometimes kinda take a breather for a spell to refresh and renew my old mind and I think now is a good time to do so again. Y'all mite need a rest from the old "know it all" for a spell. I'll not be far away but do need to have some quiet time to do some ponderin. Ole hoot. Matt.24:44

-- hoot (, April 03, 2001



Thank you, keep witnessing away. After all, I can exercise my FREE WILL and not read it, can't I? Thank you though...diverse opinions are welcome.

-- Deborah (, April 03, 2001.

"I've also been threatened wiht bodily harm and loss of life to continue doing what I'm doin." You mean to tell us that somebody actually theratened you from this forum? Good Grief!. People, if you don't like it then DON'T READ IT. Hoot usually puts Christian Material next to his posts if it's Christian material. You can't separate a Christian from his faith whether he/she's a homesteader or not.

-- Cindy (SE In) (, April 03, 2001.

HOOT ?? someone threatend you for stateing your beliefs??? must be the same ones that think Im causeing trouble. I happen to really enjoy your posts,, maybe you and I should "TAG - TEAM" Us trouble makers should stick together

-- stan (, April 03, 2001.

Hoot, i agree about the lack of respect. Saw a artical which said only 1/4 of teens are expected to follow any rules at home!also saw a artical were they went to richmond high schools and asked kids what they want, all said more rules and parent involve ment.Another thing is thoughs violent vidio games. Shows you chopping off heads with blood ect, I am sorry that is to much, PULL THE PLUGS ON THAT TRASH! no wonder kids dont have a problem shooting up schools the have done it thousands of times on tv, and dont have any one at home who cares any way.dont let the nastys run you off, just ignore them. We enjoy your posts and would miss them if your gone.This forum has changed greatly in the last year but there are still good people and we can all run the bad ones off so grab a stick and lets chase the snakes away.

-- kathy h (, April 03, 2001.

Come on back Hoot. You know that your posts are welcomed by the vast majority here. There are always some folks, no matter what religion, that think they have the market cornered on knowledge and are always going to be "right" no matter what. And there are always folks that want to control everything, this forum included. Mediatate for a little while, then come on back to us.

-- Green (, April 03, 2001.

Hoot now you are giving them what they wanted by your going off line please don't do that as i for one enjoy what you have to say as i am like minded. have some quiet time if you need to but please don't remove yourself from all of us just because some people don't know when to keep quiet. blessings, sally

-- sally stanton (, April 03, 2001.

I love you Hoot , keep the posts coming .And to whoever is so rotten to send private emails threatening people GROW UP! We do not have to agree , just be adults.

-- Patty {NY State} (, April 03, 2001.

Dont feel too bad about it, Hoot. This country although more and more perverse in its ways, has still got a few days to carry the torch. At least they're not throwing real stones at you yet... They do that in Hubli, India, if you try to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt. (real silk, too.) Enjoy your break, we ALWAYS enjoy your posts. God bless

-- Action Dude (, April 03, 2001.

Hoot I can understand breathers from time to time, a man does need to take a break and spend time ponderin. Some of the best conversations with the Lord come from'em, but I'm with the rest of them; don't ever stay away too long, I dont thinks we could stand it!! :)You are loved and appreciated more than you'll ever know, and when I get to Glory, I"ll be sure to look you up... hey what an idea.... we'll all have to have a big get-together at the big feedin up there. Reckon the Lord will let us have a " Countryside " reunion? :) God bless you Hoot!!!

-- Uncle Jake (, April 03, 2001.

Hey Brother, take a rest...wilderness time is a real blessing. But please don't take toooo long of a break. When I don't see you post for a few days, I worry about how you're doing and whether Little Dumplin' is all right...and Jeep and Jake, too!

As for the violence and lack of respect evident in this society, well, it probably won't get any better. But praise God we know that just means He's coming soon! So it's even more important that you keep up your witness here. Most people love your stories and YOU. There's always a bad apple or two in a big barrel, don't worry over it. God bless!

-- Doreen (, April 03, 2001.

Just wanted to say Hi. I was raised by my grandparents and wouldn't trade that experience for anything, period. Your confidence in what you do reminds me of them and I appreciate it. I think many people are angry because in their hearts (not their minds) they know they do not have anyone like you in thier lives. When my friends would come to visit, they never got past the living room, they enjoyed visiting the folks so much. At first (as a teenager) I was irritated, but soon realized, they were attracted to good people and if they were attracted to good people, then as my friends, maybe I was not so bad afterall... They gave me the confidence to KNOW, I would (and do) like you, face to face. Sincerely, Jerry

-- Jerry (, April 03, 2001.

Are we seeing an increase in violence or an increase in reporting the violence? Good news doesnt sell newspaper, good news doenst make for good network news.

You have to do what you can within the area that you have influence. Your family, friends. Work from there to spead the word of Christ. Work with your children about right and wrong.

I know in our community we have morning prayers in front of the elementry school. Rain or Shine there is a group of dedicated people that pray for the school. We also have walk and prayers (or prayer walks) around our community.

-- Gary (, April 04, 2001.

Hoot, I have been gone a few days,,sorry to hear how inmature mentalities are using threats against you. That kind of thinking is just not understandable and totally uncalled for. Please don't let the actions of some discourage you to the point of staying away too long. I can relate to how you feel because I have been there and done that as well. I have been chased off with rifles, threats of bodily harm and mean dogs. But still that is a peace of cake when we ponder on how Jesus Christ suffered on our behalf.****The increase of violence in our society was foretold by Jesus, Matthew 24,,And the apostle Paul was inspired by God's holy spirit to write that "in the last days critical times hard to deal with would be here". (2 Timothy 3:1) So, yes, world-wide violence and lack of respect is a sign that Jesus will take action sooner than some think. Remember that old song? "Enjoy your self, it's later than you think, enjoy yourself, this world is near ther brink" Well, we are even nearer now, about to fall over the brink.**** But you are to be commended, stick to your guns, no one can take our faith away if it is inbedded deep in our hearts. *** As mentioned, people don't have to read posts that are labeled (Religion or Christian) they have free choice just as each of us do.*** Take your "rest", but will miss you,, don't stay away very long. I enjoy your posts and you do keep me smiling,,May the peace God gives be yours.....

-- Patsy, MT (, April 04, 2001.

Without the love of Jesus in our hearts and minds and souls, there will be violence and hatred. When we allow Him to take over our lives, it makes our journey here so much more tolerable. This is not our home, we are just waiting for the time He decides to call us to our true existence. I pray for all people to know Him, for all people to experience the peace that passes all understanding. Yes, we lose it again and again, but that is our own doing, not His. When we forget Him and allow our thoughts to be ruled by anger, fear, frustration, jealousy,then we take ourselves away from Him and diminish His message to the world. The great thing about failing is the knowledge that He loves us in spite of ourselves, and that we can pick ourselves up and get back into trying to be like Him again. Then He shines through us for others to see. Thank you Lord, for being there for me, especially when I am not there for You. God bless all of you, and let us pray for one another that we pick ourselves up a little faster than we fall down.......

-- Lesley (, April 04, 2001.

Hoot - I hope you didn't misconstrue any of my posts as being fecitious - I really like what you have to say 99% of the time!!!

It is a shame, though, that you have to post a 'warning' with your witnessing. It hurts me to see that. You make a lot of sense, and there should be no need for such warnings to people!!!!

Keep up your witnessing!!! You are NOT offensive, to me, anyway!

-- Sue Diederich (, April 04, 2001.

Hoot, being a gent, warns us of Christian material because many of us complained about being "ambushed" into reading a post or thread only to find alot of "wittnessing" which is appropriate in some places and not in others. And fwiw Hoot has always been a gent about it here.

Its a damn shame we can't simply agree to disagree about some things and let it go at that but some mean spirited people persist in the sending of nasty e-mails, viruses, thereats etc. The same thing has happened to numerous others on this forum but they were on the other side of the political/religous fence. That is to say they were more liberal in their politics and more moderate in their religion. No matter who the recipient is its a cowardly and immature thing to do.

And yeah Hoot, I agree with the violence comments you made but blame the insipid media that plays to the lowest common denominator amongst us as much as I blame the lack of parental supervision.

-- john (, April 04, 2001.

hoot, I sure am sorry that you have been inducted into the ranks of the threatened. I can't quite understand it. I have said before, not here publicly, but to others that have been threatened and sent viruses etc.(myself being one of them) there is someone who just wants the forum divided. I never once blamed or felt in my heart that it was believers that were mad at me for stating publicly that I didn't think this was the place to batter people with Jesus. Jesus had the gentleness of spirit to love each person that way they are and then to show them how to live a better way. He clearly tells us not to judge, but also to test the spirit. So much of what is going on here is being done with a spirit of judgment that is just not biblical. I know you will not stay away hoot, because you witness is a gift to be shared. I will hold you up in prayer, just as I do all of you on the other forum. I won't go back there, it is quite obvious that I am "the wrong kind" of Christian. I have the ultimate confidence that God will keep all his promises. Man looks at outward appearances, but God looks at our hearts. God Bless you and keep you, please don't stay away too long. In love - diane

-- diane (, April 04, 2001.

Hoot, Keep going on with your posts! Although I am a Deist and do not follow the Christian line of thinking, I would never think of threatening anybody just because they happen to have a different opinion or view. In my thinking it goes back to not enough discipline, and I do not mean just spanking but actual,meaningful punishment,not this whiny time out stuff.

-- Tom (, April 04, 2001.

hi i totally agree with wat ur sayin, i meen im not a religiose person but i dont think the ones who are, are stupid. (there some of the most friendly people there are.) but im reely typing this reply to that woman kathy for saying that vidio games influence kids to commit homocide. im a 14 year old, and have been playing vidio games since i was 8. i dont play doom, quake, mk or turok and then go outside and try to kill somebody. quite the conterery. i play violent vidio games to release stress. instead or actuelly hurting somebody, i go into my room, and shoot some monsters that arnt really real. if you actuelly asked the teen comunity if vidio games do make them want to commit homocide, then unless you meet somebody who needs phsyciatric help, you will indefinatly get a no answere every time. just because we are younger that does not mean we cant tell the diffrence between real life and vertual reality. remember, violence has been around since the dorn of civilization. the reason no shootings happened when you lot were teens is because guns werent so widely available. people blame vidio games because there scared of new technology, and they just want to find something else to blame other than themselves. wen the shootings happen at schools the media and the law jump strait in to blaming vidio games, but they never bother to find out about the childs background, or if they are an alchoholic or drug abuser. maybe they have really miserable life and everybody hates them. and homocide is the only way that they think they can get revenge. also none of these shootings would ever happen if guns were made shoot somebody ur given a death centance. and wats the big thrill of shooting rats. its like ur all, ooh im hard ive got a gun. as i said, any teen who is influenced by a vidio game to go out and shoot a load of people needs phsyciatric help. vidio games do NOT influence people to kill, people do.

-- Richard A Freer (, February 16, 2002.


-- jz (, February 16, 2002.

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