Looking for older thread relating to foster caregreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Someone posted a thread about the foster care program, and I would appreciate it if someone could direct me to the correct category. Thanks in advance,
-- Judy (inhishand65@yahoo.com), April 04, 2001
Judy - - I am unaware of this posting; however, you might want to check our your local Family Independence Agency (sometimes also called child welfare/child assistance programs) - - They are usually a wealth of information and as I am sure you are aware, different states have different laws. If you have problems locating, let me know and I can give you the number to the one in Michigan and they can direct you to your state. Good luck.
-- Lynette Henson (beckerl@jud.state.mi.us), April 04, 2001.
Try the "Family/Children" threads in the archives. There's several on "foster" in there. Be warned that some of those got quite intense, not necessarily for the reasons the threads started out.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), April 04, 2001.