goat's milk fudgegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Most of the recipes that I have for Goat's Milk Fudge call for "evaporated goat's milk". Since I am making fudge from fresh goat's milk, - - would you simply cut back the amount of milk? If it calls for 3/4 cup - maybe use 2/3 cup?I find that in other food ricipes, if you use fresh milk instead of the evaporated milk it calls for, you end up with the whole thing being too runny.
If one of you have a recipe for Goat's Milk Fudge that doesn't call for "evaporated", maybe you would share.
-- homestead2 (homestead@localnetplus.com), April 04, 2001
Hi Homestead 2 Here's the recipe I use.... 2 1oz squares unsweetened chocolate 3/4 cup fresh goat milk 2 cups sugar 1 teas. light corn syrup 2 Tablespoon butter 1tsp vanilla melt choclate in milk. add sugar and corn syrup, cook slowly to 234 degrees stirring frequently. remove from heat , add butter and cool at room temp. until 110 without stirring. add vanilla and beat vigorously until it becomes very thick and loses it's gloss. quickly spread in buttered pan. when firm cut into squares.
-- Judy in Md. (trailhppr@msn.com), April 04, 2001.
Hi Judy, Were in Md are you? I am on the eastern shore of Md. I also have goats. What kins of goas do you have? Do you show them?Robin
-- Robin Martin (bluemoonacres@aol.com), April 10, 2001.
Hi Robin and Judy, I live on the Eastern shore also. Where are both of you? I have a recipe somewhere-I'll try and find it later. I'm looking for a milker from a clean herd, preferaby a La Mancha, saanen or alpine. Gloria
-- Gloria Mullinax (mullinaxclan@webtv.net), April 11, 2001.