Specs. on Tehnika Telomar 5.5/360mm

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I need the details and specification on LF lens: Technnika Telomar 5.5/360mm , Compound shutter. I would like to find out image circle, filter size and some general information regarding usage of this older lens. Thanks.

-- Steven S. Miric (miric@sympatico.ca), April 06, 2001


The "Technnika Telomar 5.5/360mm , Compound shutter" was made by Voigtlander and has a five elements in three groups construction with a 33 degree coverage. Its filter thread size is 67 mm, and covers 4x5 with little movement. Use it as telephoto lens just like Schneider Tele-Xenar and Rodenstock Rotelar. Hope this helps. Cheers,

-- Geoffrey Chen (DB45TEK@AOL.COM), April 07, 2001.

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